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A love losL a sorrow caused by deserLlon ls baslcally Lhe ploL of Lhe song !

ar of hearLs lL Lells a
sLory of a person who has loved deeply Lo whlch she has glven her efforLs Lo hold on 8uL ln reLurn all
Lhls pursulL for happlness became fuLlle 1he paln lnfllcLed by her loved one was compared Lo a [ar of
hearLs broken hearLs from dlfferenL lovers LhaL are sLored ln a [ar 1hls [ar porLrays Lhe amounL of Llme
Lhe beLrayal has been done
?eL ln some parLs Lhe person who lefL aLLempLs for a reLurn 8uL Llme has made Lhe woman
sLronger She became sLronger as a person wlLh much courage and confldence Lo herself And so she
reallzed LhaL all she needs ls herself and her sLrengLh She has refused Lo Lake back Lhe love LhaL has
goLLen away and wanLed Lo come back Lhe love LhaL has caused her sleepless nlghL
As Lo Lhe message of Lhe song lL Lells us Lo gaLher ourselves ln Llmes of lonellness and sorrow lL
ls wlse Lo do so because your lnner sLrengLh wlll be your armamenLs agalnsL Lhe paln lL wlll help you
become sLronger as a human belng AlLhough paln ls a parL of our dally venLure ln llfe lL may ruln us buL
wlLh enough vlgor and sLeadfasL aLLlLude Lhere wlll noL be any hearLs Lo be broken and Lo be [arred

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