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Basic Food Hygiene

Basic Food Hygiene Exam
hat is Food Hygiene?
It`s purpose is to preserve health by
Reducing the risk oI producing harmIul Iood
Preventing inIestations by pests like Ilies, mice
The good practices which lead to clean
workplaces and the saIe production oI Iood
hy learn about Food Hygiene?
There are 1000`s oI cases oI Iood poisoning a year
which result in up to 40 deaths a year!
Poor hygiene can also lead to:
Food wastage
InIestation by pests
Loss oI customers and proIit
Legal action against you or the Iirm you work Ior
$pot the hazards!
hat does it involve?
Personal Hygiene
Cleaning and disinIecting
Preventing any organisms multiplying
Destroying any harmIul bacteria by cooking
Discarding unIit or contaminated Iood
$ymptoms oI Iood poisoning
$tomach cramp
Food poisoning is more IikeIy fo offecf peopIe
wifh Iowered resisfonce fo diseose fhon heoIfhy
peopIe who mighf show miId sympfoms or none
of oII.
The foIIowing ore porficuIorIy vuInerobIe fo food
poisoning: -
EIderIy or sick peopIe
Young chiIdren
Pregnonf women
!hysical insects, dust, paper, metal
hemical Cleaning chemicals, pesticides
icrobial Iood poisoning bacteria
Most common cause

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