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The CentraI InteIIigence Agency (CIA) is a civilian intelligence agency of the United States government.

t is an executive agency
and reports directly to the Director of National ntelligence, responsible for providing national security intelligence assessment to
senior United States policymakers through means of covert psychological, cyber, and social warfare using non-military
commissioned civilian ntelligence Agents to carry out these intelligence-gathering operations; many of whom are trained to avoid
tactical situations. The CA also oversees and sometimes engages in tactical and covert activitiesat the request of the President of
the United States.
. Often, when such field operations are organized, the US military or other warfare tacticians carry these tactical
operations out on behalf of the agency while the CA oversees them. Although intelligence-gathering is the agency's main agenda,
tactical divisions were established in the agency to carry out emergency field operations that require immediate suppression or
dismantlement of a threat or weapon. The CA is often used for intelligence-gathering instead of the U.S military to avoid
a declaration of war.

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