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~The Origin of the Seasons

1.What are the 6 uses oI mythology? (pg 646)

2. What are 'origin myths? (pg 654)

3. As goddess oI harvest, what eIIects does Demeter have on Earth?

4. What season do you think Persephone might represent? Why does Hades want her to be his

5. What news does Apollo, the sun god, give to Demeter?

6. What causes Demeter to become Demophoon`s nurse?

7. What is the deIinition oI 'ambrosia? (pg. 658)

8. What eIIect does Persephone`s eating the pomegranate seeds have on Earth?

For questions 9 and 10, your answers should be more detailed.

9. How does this story oI the kidnapping oI a young girl and her mother`s grieI explain the
change oI seasons on Earth?

10. Demeter is able to Iorce Zeus to change his mind about the marriage oI Hades and
Persephone. What does this tell you about 'the great earth mother?

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