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I HAVE DONE ( Present Perfect ) or I DID ( Past Simple )

O tempo verbal Ingls Present Perfect refere-se a algo iniciado no passado e que continua ate hoje, tendo portanto um tempo indefinido. Veja s: Em portugues dizemos:"Eu trabalho aqui ha 2 anos" - querendo dizer que entrei na empresa faz 2 anos e ainda estou la. Poderiamos dizer tambm:"Tenho trabalhado aqui por 2 anos" - esta a forma do Present Perfect que apesar de "no existir oficialmente" na gramtica portuguesa usado tranquilamente no dia a dia,certo? Em ingls ha uma diferena entre o uso desses dois tempos verbais.Veja: With a finished time ( yesterday / last week , etc ... ), we use the Past Simple Com um tempo definido (ontem / semena passada,etc.) usamos o Simple Past yesterday last week We arrived at 3 oclock in 1995 six months ago DO NOT USE the Present Perfect with a finished time . NO USE o Present Perfect com tempo definido. Examples : I saw Paula yesterday Where were you on Sunday afternoon ? ( not where have you been ) We didnt have a holiday last year ( not we havent had ) What did you do last night ? - I stayed home . William Shakespeare lived from 1564 to 1616 . He was a writer . He wrote many plays and poems. Use the Past Simple to ask when , what time ? Use Past Simple (Passado Simples) para perguntar:- "quando" - "a que horas" When did they arrive ? ( not when have they arrived ? ) Dica: Visite a pagina Tempos Verbais(todos) e procure pelo Present / Past Perfect Compare these sentences - compare estas frases PRESENT PERFECT PAST SIMPLE (tempo definido e/ou ao terminada no passado) I have lost my key I lost my key last night Bill has gone home Bill went home ten minutes ago Have you seen Ann ? Did you see Ann on Saturday ? Have you ever been to Spain ? Did you go to Spain last year ? My friend is a writer . He has Shakespeare wrote many plays and poems written many books The letter hasnt arrived yet The letter didnt arrive yesterday Weve lived in Glasgow for 6 years We lived in Glasgow for six years but now we moved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visite o site: ha muito mais para voce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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