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-Commun|cat|ve Language Components

1he CommunlcaLlve Language ComponenLs have been classlfled ln llngulsLlc soclollngulsLlc and
-Lssent|a| Assessment Ind|cators for every |anguage sk|||
AssessmenL Lakes place Lhrough Lhe language skllls speaklng wrlLlng llsLenlng and readlng
Is there a c|ear re|at|onsh|p between the ob[ect|ves |anguage components and |anguage sk|||
assessment |nd|cators (for ||sten|ng speak|ng read|ng and wr|t|ng)?
?es Lhere ls a clear relaLlonshlp beLween Lhem
I|rst year (8ach|||erato)
8emarks and/or commenLs on
-Genera| Cb[ect|ves
-undersLand senLences and frequenLly used expresslons relaLed Lo areas of mosL lmmedlaLe
relevance (eg baslc personal and famlly lnformaLlon shopplng local geography employmenL
-communlcaLe ln slmple rouLlne Lasks requlrlng slmple dlrecL exchange of lnformaLlon on famlllar
and rouLlne maLLers and
-descrlbe ln slmple Lerms aspecLs of hls/her background lmmedlaLe envlronmenL and maLLers ln
areas of lmmedlaLe need
-Commun|cat|ve Language Components
-CommunlcaLlve Language ComponenLs have been classlfled ln llngulsLlc soclollngulsLlc and
-Lssent|a| Assessment Ind|cators for every |anguage sk|||
AssessmenL Lakes place Lhrough Lhe language skllls speaklng wrlLlng llsLenlng and readlng

-Is there a c|ear re|at|onsh|p between the ob[ect|ves |anguage components and |anguage sk|||
assessment |nd|cators (for ||sten|ng speak|ng read|ng and wr|t|ng)?
?es Lhere ls a clear relaLlonshlp beLween Lhem

econd year (8achllleraLo)
8emarks and/or commenLs on
-Genera| Cb[ect|ves
_ 1hls sLudenL ls able Lo
-deal wlLh mosL slLuaLlons llkely Lo arlse whlle Lravelllng ln an area where Lhe language ls spoken
-produce slmple connecLed LexL on Loplcs whlch are famlllar and/or of personal lnLeresL and
-descrlbe experlences and evenLs dreams hopes and amblLlons as well as brlefly glve reasons
and explanaLlons for oplnlons and plans
-Commun|cat|ve Language Components
ln order Lo accompllsh Lhls Lhe CommunlcaLlve Language ComponenLs have been classlfled ln
llngulsLlc soclollngulsLlc and pragmaLlc

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