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W known ln Asla for aL leasL 4000 years

W lL's a flowerlng planLţ Lhree specles Cannabls
saLlvaţ lndlca and ruderallsŦ
W 8loacLlve subsLances derlved from Lhe planL
are collecLlvely referred as cannablsŦ
W known as mary [aneţ marlhuanaţ poLţ weed
W ,osL commonly abused form of cannabls ls
drled planL producL lncludlng leavesţ sLems
seeds and flowerlng Lop
W LaLen alone or parL of confecLlon or drunk ln
beer or some oLher beverage or smoked wlLh
plpe or rolled ln clgareLLes
ashlsh (charas)
W uark black brown exudaLe from Lhe leaves and sLemţ
of Lhe planL
W Smoked wlLh Lobacco ln a plpe or hukka
WLxracL from of leaves and bracLs of female planL
W,lxed wlLh Lobacco and ls smoked ln a plpe
W ConslsL of drled leaves and fruLlng shooLs and
prepared by rubblng blackţ pepperţsugar and
drled leaves
W 1aken ln form of bolus or pllls
WConfecLlon prepared afLer LreaLlng wlLh sugarţ
flourţ mllk and buLLer
WSold ln small lozenges
SympLoms of lnLoxlcaLlon
W ÞsychlaLrlcť
leellng of deLachmenLţ clarlLyţ euphorlaţ elaLlonţ well
belngţ dreamlnessţ laughlngţ rapldly changlng emoLlonsţ
lrrelevanL LhoughLsţ decreased concenLraLlonţ alLered
sense of ldenLlLy and dlsorlenLaLlonŦ
vlvld lmagesţ llluslons and halluclnaLlonsŦ
leellng of LlghLness ln chesL wlLh fear of deaLhŦ
lmpalred [udgmenL and fallure Lo meeL responslblllLyŦ
8apld LalkaLlvenessţ lmpalred memoryţ eLcŦ
W Þhyslcalť
lncreased appeLlLe and LhlrsLŦ
nauseaţ heavlness ln headţ dlzzlnessŦ
8esLlessnessţ aLaxlaţ Lremorsţ Lachycardla urlnary
frequencyţ eLcŦ
CharacLerlsLlc odor of cannabls can be appreclaLed lf
Laken ln smoklng formŦ
vlcLlm may become drowsy and goes lnLo deep sleepŦ
ueaLh may occur very rarely from resplraLory depresslonŦ
W laLal uoseť 2 gm Charasţ 8 gm of Can[aŦ
W laLal Þerlodť Several daysŦ
W SLomach wash and LmeslsŦ
W AcLlvaLed charcoal can be usedŦ
W 100 ml of 30Ʒ Clucoseţ 2 mg of naloxone
and 100 mg of 1hlamlne can be glvenŦ
W lf paLlenL ls resLlessţ 3 Ŷ 10 mg of ulazepam
can be glvenŦ
W AnLlŴanxleLy or anLlŴpsychoLlc drugs can be
used ln exLreme casesŦ
W ÞsychoLherapyŦ
Chronlc Þolsonlng
W Þsychologlcal dependence and Lolerance develops
lf Lhe drug ls Laken for a long LlmeŦ
W lL causes degeneraLlon of Lhe CnS wlLh lnsanlLyŦ
W Chronlc use leads Lo lmpoLency and gynecomasLlaŦ
W Loss of appeLlLeţ weaknessţ wasLlngţ Lremorsţ red
eyesţ moral degradaLlonţ eLcŦ wlll be seenŦ
W 8arely lnsanlLy may occur wlLh halluclnaLlon and
deluslon of lnfldellLyŦ
W ClnglvlLlsţ SallvaLlon and 1remorsŦ
W #8un amok' whlch ls characLerlzed wlLh
developmenL of psychlc dlsLurbances leadlng
Lo lnLermlLLenL depresslon followed by
vlolenL aLLempL Lo klll a person agalnsL whom
he may have lmaglnary grudge and Lhen Lo
klll anyone who comes ln hls paLhway Llll he
kllls hlmselfŦ
W lL does noL cause physlologlcal dependence
or addlcLlonŦ
W ,osL lmporLanL group of psychoLroplc drugs
W Wldely used as Lranqulllzersţ hypnoLlcs and
W 1aken alone ln overdose can enhance CnS
W Cllnlcal feaLuresťŴ resplraLory depresslonţ
hypoLenslonţ slurred speechţ halluclnaLlon
W ,anagemenLťŴ
AcLlvaLed charcoal may be useful afLer
lngesLlon or afLer mlxed overdoseţlf glven
wlLhln 1hourŦ
Consclous level and oxygen saLuraLlon should
be monlLored for aLleasL 6hours
Speclflc anLagonlsL flumazenll lncreases
consclous level ln paLlenLs wlLh overdose buL
carrles a rlsk of selzures and conLralndlcaLed ln
paLlenLs coŴlngesLlng proconvulsanL agenLs
W colorlessţ odorlessţ crysLalllne subsLance wlLh
blLLer LasLeŦ
W Also called as #Coke'ţ #Snow'ţ #Cadlllac'ţ #WhlLe
lady'ţ eLcŦ
W #Crack' ls prepared by mlxlng cocalne wlLh baklng
soda and waLer whlch ls Lhen used ln Lhe form of
W lL desenslLlzes Lhe Lermlnal nerves whlch causes
W lL sLlmulaLes Lhe corLex for a shorL Llme followed
by depresslonŦ
SympLoms of lnLoxlcaLlon
W SLage of LxclLemenLť
8lLLer LasLe ln mouLhţ dysphaglaŦ
leellng of well belngţ loss of depresslon and faLlgueŦ
e geLs exclLedţ resLless and LalkaLlveŦ
1hls phase lasLs for only a shorL perlod afLer whlch Lhe
sub[ecL goes ln Lo a dull condlLlonŦ
1achycardlaţ ypoLenslonţ ullaLed pupllsţ CyanoLlc
changesţ SweaLlngţ eLcŦ
LxaggeraLed reflexes wlLh Lremors and convulslonsŦ
,ay have halluclnaLlon and manlacal behavlorŦ
leellng of Llngllng and numbness sensaLlon ln LhroaLŦ
W SLage of uepresslonť
ln less Lhan an hourţ resplraLlon becomes feebleŦ
Þrofuse sweaLlng occursţ followed by collapse and
ueaLh may occur due Lo resplraLory fallureţ cardlac
fallure or vascular collapseŦ
Sudden deaLh may occur from lv ln[ecLlon and smoklng
ere deaLh occurs due Lo cardlac arrhyLhmlasŦ
W Speedballť
lL ls a comblnaLlon of Cocalne and eroln whlch ls Laken
ln Lhe form of ln[ecLlonŦ
W laLal uoseť 1 Ŷ 1 Z gm orallyŦ
W laLal Þerlodť lew mlnuLes Lo hoursŦ
W SLomach wash wlLh 1ť3000 k,nC4Ŧ
W AcLlvaLed charcoal or Lannlc acld can be usedŦ
W Washlng of mucous membrane wlLh waLer lf Lhere
ls lnLake Lhrough Lhe nosLrll rouLeŦ
W AppllcaLlon of llgaLure lf Laken ln ln[ecLable formŦ
W Convulslon can be conLrolled wlLh dlazepamŦ
W AnLldoLeť Amyl nlLraLe whlch ls glven by lnhalaLlonŦ
W naloxone hydrochlorlde glven ln doses of 2 mg lvŦ
W 1hlamlne Lo be glven ln doses of 100 mg lvŦ
W SympLomaLlcŦ
W Cllnlcal feaLures ťŴ
Loxlc feaLures wlLhln few mlnuLes and lasL for
4 Lo 6 hours
Lachycardlaţ Lachypneaţ
halluclnaLlonţlnsomnla anxleLy abdomlnal paln
W CompllcaLlonťŴ
selzuresţmyocardlal lnfarcLlonţrenal fallureţ
lnLracerebral hemorrhage
W ,edlcaLlons avallable for ampheLamlne
LoxlclLy lnclude gasLrlc deconLamlnanLs
(charcoal wlLh or wlLhouL sorblLol)ţ sedaLlves
Lo conLrol CnS sLlmulaLlon caused by
ampheLamlnes (benzodlazeplnesţ
anLlpsychoLlcs)ţ muscle relaxanLs
(benzodlazeplnesţ danLrolene)ţ and several
drugs Lo conLrol posslble hemodynamlc
cardlovascular dlsLurbances (alphaŴadrenerglc
blockersţ nlLraLesţ dlureLlcs)
W (1) deconLamlnaLlon wlLh acLlvaLed charcoal/sorblLolŤ
W (2) sedaLlon wlLh benzodlazeplnes ln aglLaLed and anxlous
W (3) LreaLmenL of hyperLhermla wlLh rapld convecLlon coollngţ
spraylng waLer onLo Lhe body and uslng an elecLrlc fan Lo
clrculaLe Lhe alrţ aLLempLlng Lo cool Lhe core LemperaLure Lo
101¨l wlLhln 30Ŵ43 mlnuLes
W (4) rellef of muscle spasms and/or cramplng wlLh
W (3) prevenLlon of rhabdomyolysls wlLh lv flulds (beneflL of
furosemlde or sodlum blcarbonaLe remalns conLroverslal)
W (6) selzure conLrol wlLh benzodlazeplnes
W (7) sLablllzaLlon of hemodynamlc and/or cardlovascular
dlsLurbances wlLh nlLroprusslde or nlLroglycerlnŦ

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