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A client is admitted with diabetic ketoacidosis who, with treatment, has a normal blood

glucose, pH, and serum osmolality During assessment, the client complains oI weakness
in the legs Which oI the Iollowing is a priority nursing intervention?
A. Request a physical therapy consult Irom the physician
B. Ensure the client is saIe Irom Ialls and check the most recent potassium level
C. Allow uninterrupted rest periods throughout the day
D. Encourage the client to increase intake oI dairy products and green leaIy vegetables

. A nurse is reviewing laboratory results and notes that a client's serum sodium level
is 150 mEq/L. The nurse reports the serum sodium level to the physician and the
physician prescribes dietary instructions based on the sodium level. Which food
item does the nurse instruct the client to avoid?
A. Peas
B. CauliIlower
C. Low-Iat yogurt
D. Processed oat cereals

. A nursing student needs to administer potassium chloride intravenously as

prescribed to a client with hypokalemia. The nursing instructor determines
that the student is unprepared for this procedure if the student states that
which of the following is part of the plan for preparation and administration
of the potassium?
A. Obtaining a controlled IV inIusion pump
B. Monitoring urine output during administration
C. Diluting in appropriate amount oI normal saline
D. Preparing the medication Ior bolus administration

Which statement best explains the scientiIic rationale Ior Kussmaul's respirations in the
client diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)?
A. The kidneys produce excess urine and the lungs try to compensate
B. The respirations increase the amount oI carbon dioxide in the bloodstream
C. The lungs speed up to release carbon dioxide and increase the pH
D. The shallow and slow respirations will increase the HCO3 in the serum

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