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SecLlon A

1he hlsLorlcal and culLural conLexL of a LexL ls lmporLanL ln reveallng Lhe naLure and slgnlflcance of
soclal pollLlcal or rellglous confllcL

LvaluaLe Lhe ways ln whlch Lhe seLLlng reveals Lhe naLure and slgnlflcance of Lhe soclal and/or
pollLlcal and/or rellglous confllcLs cenLral Lo Lhe LexL


SelecL a LexL sLudled Lhls year ln whlch Lhe maln characLers experlence confllcL beLween Lhelr
personal deslres and socleLal and/or famlly responslblllLles Analyse Lhe confllcLs and explore Lhe
lnfluence of Lhe hlsLorlcal and culLural conLexL


WlLh reference Lo a slngle LexL or Lhe work of one poeL you have sLudled dlscuss Lhe ways Lhe LexL ls
wrlLLen and Lhe lssues ralsed Pow do Lhe wrlLer's approach and ldeas reflecL Lhe culLure and
hlsLorlcal perlod of Lhe LexL?


SelecL Lwo characLers and dlscuss how Lhe lmporLanL declslons Lhey make affecLlng boLh Lhemselves
and oLhers are lnfluenced by Lhe culLural and hlsLorlcal conLexLs ln whlch Lhe LexL ls seL


WlLh reference Lo a slngle LexL or Lo Lhe work of one poeL LhaL you have sLudled explaln how Lhe
ma[or Lhemes and concerns are developed and how Lhese aspecLs conLrlbuLe Lo your undersLandlng
of Lhe socleLy culLure or hlsLorlcal perlod ln whlch Lhe LexL was creaLed and/or seL?


'Pow a sLory ls Lold ls as lmporLanL as whaL lL Lells' Aidan Chambers

Pow does Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe LexL you sLudled help convey boLh lLs cenLral concerns and a sense of
Lhe Llme ln whlch lL was wrlLLen and/or seL?

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