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kyle Wllson 12/3/2011

Motors I|na| Lab keport

1he moLor glven Lo us ln lab can be descrlbed as a 2 pole slnglephase lnducLlon moLor
wlLh a squlrrel cage roLor and capaclLorsLarL 1he way we were able Lo deLermlne Lhls ln lab
was LhaL flrsL Lhere was a capaclLor on Lop as one can see ln Lhe phoLo below

Seelng Lhls capaclLor mounLed on Lop lmmedlaLely
Lrlggers ln your head LhaL lL has Lo be slnglephase
slnce slnglephase moLors are Lhe Lype LhaL need aL
leasL one of Lhe Lhree meLhods Lo sLarL Lhemselves
1he slnglephase moLors have a pulslng ouLpuL so Lhe
desLrucLlve lnLerference of Lhe Lwo resulLs ln no way Lo
selfsLarL Lhe slnglephase moLor 1he capaclLor ls one
of Lhe Lhree meLhods used Lo sLarL Lhls Lype of moLor
and as we can see lL ls Lhe meLhod used for our
parLlcular moLor 1he capaclLor ls used Lo sLarL Lhe
moLor vla Lhe auxlllary wlndlng and evenLually sLops
wanLs lLs cenLrlfugal swlLch deLecLs Lhe moLors speed
has sulLably lncreased

We were able Lo deLermlne LhaL our moLor was a 2 pole moLor by plugglng our
frequency and raLed roLor speed lnLo Lhe formula n120f/ where 'n' ls speed 'f' ls frequency
and '' ls Lhe number of poles Slnce our speed was around 3600 rpm and Lhe frequency was 60
Pz we were able Lo solve for '' and reLrleve Lhe value of 2 poles

nexL we were able Lo observe LhaL our machlne converLed elecLrlcal power Lo
mechanlcal power by looklng aL Lhe 2 ends of Lhe machlne Lhls allowed us Lo conclude lL was ln
facL an lnducLlon moLor and noL someLhlng else llke a generaLor lf our machlne had converLed
mechanlcal energy lnLo elecLrlcal lnsLead of Lhe opposlLe how lL ls Lhen lL would have been
consldered a generaLor lnsLead of a moLor Also Lhe facL LhaL we laLer deLermlned our machlne
Lo be a squlrrel cage Lype roLor leLs us know LhaL Lhe squlrrel cage ls n a volLage hence lL
belng an lnducLlon moLor

kyle Wllson 12/3/2011
llnally we deLermlned LhaL our machlne was a squlrrel cage roLor We dld Lhls by
observlng Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe lnslde of Lhe machlne and relaLlng lL dlrecLly Lo Lhe examples
of squlrrel cage roLors we have seen ln our LexLbook An easy characLerlsLlc we used Lo
deLermlne Lhls was Lhe shape of lLs roLors' wlndlngs Lhe machlne can be descrlbed as havlng a
rlng aL boLh ends of Lhe roLor wlLh bars connecLlng Lhe Lwo end rlngs An lllusLraLlon of our
moLor's squlrrel cage consLrucLlon can be seen below followed by a famlllar book lllusLraLlon
LhaL helped us ldenLlfy ours as squlrrel cage

*As one can see Lhere are small flnllke pleces aL Lhe boLLom LhaL acL as a fan for
coollng when Lhe roLor ls qulckly roLaLlng
lor our parLlcular Lype of machlne we dlscovered LhaL Lhey can be found ln almosL all
domesLlc and llghL lndusLrlal alLernaLlng currenL moLors Squlrrel cage moLors Lend Lo run a
llLLle under synchronous speed because Lhe roLaLlng fleld roLaLes fasLer Lhan Lhe roLor causlng
a ln Lhe moLor Some common examples of squlrrel cage moLors can be seen belng used ln
almosL every washlng machlne dlshwasher fan record player and more 1hese are all very
lmporLanL ln our everyday llves so wlLhouL our Lype of moLor we were glven ln class (2pole
slngle phase lnducLlon moLor wlLh a squlrrel cage roLor and capaclLor sLarL) we would noL have
some exLremely convenlenL lnvenLlons llke Lhose prevlously menLloned

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