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C/Alexander Cpryszko

8and Company

1heory of ConsLralnLs

1he 8eglmenLal PlsLorlan SLaff has long conslsLed of only 24 cadeLs Lrylng Lo malnLaln and
organlze Lhe vasL amounL of donaLlons LhaL Lhe museum holds 1hls year however we have declded Lo
expand Lhls organlzaLlon by havlng each company deslgnaLe a 'company hlsLorlan' who wlll parLlclpaLe
ln Lhe sLaff whlle also recordlng Lhelr own company's hlsLory 1hls rapld expanslon of Lhe hlsLorlan sLaff
up Lo 13 members however has creaLed Lhe quesLlon of how do we organlze so many people and whaL
should we look Lo accompllsh wlLh Lhelr efforLs?
ln flndlng Lhe soluLlon Lo Lhls problem C/ felffer Lhe oLher experlenced members of Lhe sLaff
and me lnadverLenLly used Lhe 1heory of ConsLralnLs We qulckly flgured ouL LhaL Lhe old sysLem of
havlng a 8eglmenLal PlsLorlan wlLh everyone else [usL grouped below would noL work for Lhls year 1hls
meanL LhaL havlng no Lrue organlzaLlon became our prlmary consLralnL We Lhen declded LhaL an offlclal
organlzaLlon would be needed coverlng Lhe ma[or areas LhaL were necessary for Lhe runnlng of Lhe
museum and Lhe conLlnuaLlon of Lhe PlsLorlan SLaff's oLher pro[ecLs
ln Lhe end Lhe organlzaLlon ended up havlng four branches below Lhe 8eglmenLal PlsLorlan
each headed by an experlenced [unlor or senlor and each crlLlcal Lo Lhe sLaff C/ 8rown ls Lhe CuraLor of
Lhe museum ln charge of Lhe preservaLlon of Lhe arLlfacLs Lhere C/ urabek ls ln charge of Lhe research
LhaL Lhe PlsLorlan SLaff ls underLaklng C/uavls ls ln charge of Lhe company hlsLorlans recordlng Lhelr
own unlL's LradlLlons and hlsLorles and l am Lhe Chlef of vlslLaLlon ln charge of openlng Lhe museum for
regular Lours and who ls sLafflng lL aL LhaL Llme As our experlence wlLh Lhls new organlzaLlon grows
and as lLs members grow ln experlence we wlll be able Lo add more and more complexlLy Lo lL unLll we
have esLabllshed a fully organlzed chaln of command

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