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Sllde 1 CAnCL8 ur 8aymond Arhln 2007

Sllde 2 - 8reasL cancer ln a masLecLomy speclmen (Lop) 1he cancerous Lumour (pale yellow) resembles
Lhe flgure of a crab glvlng Lhe dlsease lLs name

Sllde 3 WhaL ls CAnCL8? - Cancer ls a dlsease characLerlzed by cells LhaL - grow and dlvlde wlLhouL
respecL Lo normal llmlLs - lnvade and desLroy ad[acenL Llssues - and may spread Lo dlsLanL slLes by

Sllde 4 Lpldemlology - Cancer affecLs 1 ln 3 of us ln our llfeLlme - Cver 70 of cancers happen Lo
people who are over Lhe age of 60 - Cancer can affecL people of all ages - Cancer causes abouL 13 of
all deaLh

Sllde 3 Male lemale MosL common Cause of deaLh MosL common Cause of deaLh prosLaLe cancer (33)
lung cancer (31) breasL cancer (32) lung cancer (27) prosLaLe cancer (10) prosLaLe cancer Lung
Cancer(13) 8reasL Cancer (13) (10) ColorecLal cancer(10) ColorecLal ColorecLal ColorecLal
cancer(10) cancer(11) cancer(10) 8ladder cancer(3) ancreaLlc LndomeLrlal Cvarlan cance(6)
cancer(7) cancer(6) Melanoma(4) Leukaemla(3) Lymphoma(4) ancreaLlc ca (6)

Sllde 6 S?M1CMS Local sympLoms - unusual lumps or swelllng (Lumor) - hemorrhage (bleedlng) -
paln and/or ulceraLlon - Compresslon of surroundlng Llssues may cause sympLoms such as [aundlce

Sllde 7 SympLoms of meLasLasls (spreadlng) - Lnlarged lymph nodes - Cough especlally blood ln
cough - enlarged llver - bone paln fracLure of affecLed bones - AlLhough advanced cancer may cause
paln lL ls ofLen noL Lhe flrsL sympLom

Sllde 8 SysLemlc sympLoms - welghL loss - poor appeLlLe and severe welghL loss - excesslve sweaLlng
especlally aL nlghL - anemla

Sllde 9 ulagnosls - Cancers are recognlzed elLher because - slgns or sympLoms appear - screenlng -
8lopsy - A cancer may be suspecLed for a varleLy of reasons buL Lhe deflnlLlve dlagnosls of mosL
mallgnancles musL be conflrmed by hlsLologlcal examlnaLlon of Lhe cancerous cells by a paLhologlsL

Sllde 10 lnvesLlgaLlon - 1hese commonly lnclude blood LesLs xrays C1 scans and a camera
LesL(endoscopy) - ChesL xray showlng lung cancer ln Lhe lefL lung

Sllde 11 1reaLmenL Cancer can be LreaLed by - surgery - chemoLherapy - radlaLlon Lherapy -
lmmunoLherapy - oLher meLhods

Sllde 12 rognosls - Cancer has a repuLaLlon for belng a deadly dlsease - WlLh modern LreaLmenL Lhe
peognosls ls lmprovlng and acLually much beLLer Lhan hearL aLLack or sLroke ln some cases

Sllde 13 Causes - Chemlcal carclnogens - SubsLances LhaL cause unA muLaLlons are known as
muLagens or carclnogens - 1obacco smoklng ls assoclaLed wlLh lung cancer and bladder cancer -
rolonged exposure Lo asbesLos flbers ls assoclaLed wlLh mesoLhelloma - Alcohol ls assoclaLed wlLh
sLomach oesophageal llvermouLh cancer

Sllde 14 - 8adlaLlon - lnfecLlous dlseases - Pormonal lmbalances - lmmune sysLem lmbalances -

Sllde 13 revenLlon - Modlflable (llfesLyle) rlsk facLors - Alcohol consumpLlon (assoclaLed wlLh
lncreased rlsk of oral esophageal breasL and oLher cancers) - smoklng - physlcal lnacLlvlLy (assoclaLed
wlLh lncreased rlsk of colon breasL and posslbly oLher cancers) - overwelghL (assoclaLed wlLh colon
breasL endomeLrlal and posslbly oLher cancers)

Sllde 16 uleL - CbeslLy lncreases Lhe rlsk of developlng cancer - uleL arLlcular dleLary pracLlces ofLen
explaln dlfferences ln cancer lncldence ln dlfferenL counLrles (eg gasLrlc cancer ls more common ln
!apan whlle colon cancer ls more common ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes) - 8educed red meaL consumpLlon ls
assoclaLed wlLh decreased rlsk of colon cancer - SLudles have llnked consumpLlon of grllled meaL Lo an
lncreased rlsk of sLomach cancer colon cancer breasL cancer and pancreaLlc cancer a phenomenon
whlch could be due Lo Lhe presence of carclnogens such as benzopyrene ln foods cooked aL hlgh
LemperaLures - ConsumpLlon of a planLbased dleL and llfesLyle changes resulLed ln a reducLlon ln
cancer - vlLamlns

Sllde 17 screenlng - 8reasL cancer screenlng can be done by breasL selfexamlnaLlon oL mammograms
ColorecLal cancer fecal occulL blood LesLlng and colonoscopy - Cervlcal cyLology LesLlng (uslng Lhe ap
smear) leads Lo Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon and exclslon of precancerous leslons 1esLlcular self examlnaLlon ls
recommended for men beglnnlng aL Lhe age of 13 years Lo deLecL LesLlcular cancer - rosLaLe cancer
dlglLal recLal exam along wlLh prosLaLe speclflc anLlgen (SA) blood LesLlng

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