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N|shant Dev M|shra

resented 8y
WhaL ls androld ?
Androld ls Lhe flrsL compleLe open and free moblle
lL was lnlLlally developed by Androld lnc a flrm laLer
purchased by Coogle
SofLware sLack Lhan lncludes
operaLlng sysLem
key appllcaLlons
rlch seL of Als
ls androld Llnux ?
nC androld ls noL llnux !
Androld ls based on Lhe Llnux kernel 26
buL lLs noL Cnu/Llnux
no naLlve wlndowlng sysLem
no gllbc supporL
no Cnu/Llnux uLlllLles
Why Llnux kernel for Androld ?
- CreaL memory and process managemenL
- CreaL permlsslons based securlLy model
- roven drlver model
- SupporL for shared llbrarles
- lL's already open source
So ls androld [ava ?
nC androld ls noL [ava !
Androld ls noL an lmplemenLaLlon of any of Lhe !ava
uses Lhe [ava language
lmplemenLs parL of Lhe !ava3 SL speclflcaLlon
8uns on a dalvlk vlrLual machlne lnsLead of
O 8euse and replacemenL of componenLs
O ualvlk vlrLual machlne
O lnLegraLed browser
O CpLlmlzed graphlcs
O Medla supporL
O CSM 1elephony
O 8lueLooLh LuCL 3C and Wll
O Camera CS compass and acceleromeLer
O 8lch developmenL envlronmenL
ualvlk vlrLual Machlne
lL ls a vlrLual machlne Lo
- run on a slow Cu
- wlLh relaLlvely llLLle 8AM
- on an CS wlLhouL swap space
- reglsLer based
- has a dx Lool
- runs opLlmlzed flle formaL (dex)
ux 1ool
Androld ArchlLecLure
AppllcaLlon uevelopmenL
We needs
- Java
- Android SDK
- Eclipse DE
Androld Suk
- Androld emulaLor
- command llne Lools
- documenLaLlon
- example appllcaLlons
1he LmulaLor
- CLMubased A8M emulaLor
- 8uns Lhe same lmage as Lhe
- LlmlLaLlons
no Camera supporL
no supporL for audlo lnpuL
no supporL for 8lueLooLh
- Androld ls open Lo all lndusLry developers and
- arLlclpaLlng ln many of Lhe successful open
- Alms Lo be as easy Lo bulld for as Lhe web
- Coogle Androld ls sLepplng lnLo Lhe nexL level of
Moblle lnLerneL
- hLLp//codegooglecom/androld/
- hLLp//androlddevelopersblogspoLcom
- hLLp//codegooglecom/p/appsforandrold/
- hLLp//slLesgooglecom/slLe/lo/
- hLLp//wwwopenhandseLalllancecom/
- hLLp//glLandroldcom

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