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TANGO Tango developed in the late 1800 s, in the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina, among the poor, and

has often been associated with the prostitutes of that era, who were said to gain customers through this seductive dance. We do not know much of its earliest development within argentina, but we know that it was in the early 1900 s "discovered" by the higher society in Buenos Aires. It became every popular and was, in 1930, known as Argentina s most danced social dance. Argentine tango is an intimate and passionate social dance (couples dance)

that is characterized by its closeness between the partners, rapid and complicated legwork, and (today) a very slick and sexy look. There is a distinction between what we call salon tango, or social tango, and the fantasy tango, or choreographed tango. The salon tango is more intimate and has improvised and less acrobatic moves, while the fantasy tango is based on more elaborate, choreographed moved and is for theatrical purposes. The characteristic instrument of Argentine tango is the accordion, although many combinations can be found, including cello, violin, piano, flute, etc.

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