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Plllal Moussounl 1088313


Dissertations contain extremely valuable inIormation since they report the results oI Iirst
hand research inIormation conducted by students within any speciIic department. It is
oIten necessary Ior a system to be developed and implemented in order to allow other
researchers, students and academic staII, easy and prompt access to this inIormation. Along
with the development oI an access mechanism, there is also a need to develop mechanisms
Ior managing the system that will help the students, supervisors, dissertation coordinator/s
and support staII in electronic communication. Such a system would Iacilitate improved
communication between the supervisor/s and the students and would have the ability to
produce statistics and generate reports on a real-time basis. The aim oI this Business
InIormation Systems project is to design and implementation oI a simple digital dissertation
inIormation system applicable to any academic institution oI higher education. Various
digital dissertation management systems have been developed in the recent past, the most
prominent one being that developed at Virginia Tech, in the USA, which has given rise to the
Networked Digital Library oI Theses and Dissertations(NDLTD)

Traditionally the department maintains a Iile with minimum inIormation on dissertations.
Typically the Iile contains the dissertation titles along with the students` and supervisors
Name ,this inIormation is entered as soon as a student submits a title, and a supervisor is
allocated. AIter that, the student and the supervisor work in their own way: in most cases the
student submits draIt work to the respective supervisor, and gets back the versions with
corrections/comments, etc. The documents are sent back and Iorth either as email
attachments, or in printed Iorm. Printed copies oI communications, such as e-mail messages,
etc., between a student and his/her supervisor, and notes etc. Irom the supervisor, are usually
kept in hard copy Iiles maintained Ior each student. The proposed digital dissertation system
aims to automate the entire process such that everything takes place in a digital environment.
The new system would allow the students to submit a topic electronically, and would allow
the department oIIice to store the dissertation registration inIormation in a database that
would not only show the title, date oI registration, supervisor`s name, etc., Ior a given
student, but would also have room Ior storing speciIic notes and comments that may be useIul
Ior various administrative purposes but would also have room Ior storing speciIic notes and
comments that may be useIul Ior various administrative purposes.

The next most important aspect oI the system is that it would allow the student and the
supervisor to work together in a secured digital environment. The system would allow the
student to submit a draIt work, or any other Iorm oI communication, and would allow the
concerned supervisor to work on the Iile electronically and submit his/ her corrections,
suggestions, speciIic comments, etc. This would thereIore allow both the parties to keep track
oI the progress oI the work, etc. Finally, when the dissertation is submitted and examined, it
would be included into the digital library oI theses and dissertations that can be accessed by
anyone. DiIIerent levels oI security will allow only authorised users to get access to the
respective data, Iiles and documents. For example, a given student can only see his works
with all the comments, etc.; a given supervisor can see Iiles Ior all his/her students;
the dissertation co-ordinator, head oI the department, and oIIice staII, may be able to
see certain parts oI the system to Iacilitate their activities, and so on.

Plllal Moussounl 1088313

Such a digital dissertation inIormation system should have three major Iunctions:
O management oI inIormation on past dissertations;

O to help supervisors and students perIorm current dissertation-related activities

O To provide online access to (search and browse) the dissertations.

In order to successIully complete the project the Iollowing outlines must be conducted and

DeIining the problem: the speciIic scope oI the problem, establishing stakeholders and
conducting interviews using structured and open-ended questionnaires

DeIining user requirements. This involved making questionnaires,

Outlining options to solve the problem.This stage involved exploring languages, exploring
database administration (DBA) Systems and web design

DeIining system speciIications based on the user requirements.

Developing a prototype.

Testing the prototype.

Impletementing the System

Testing the system

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