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7:00 se despierta Ba al bao Toma desayuno 7:29 se lava los dientes Se viste Se pinta los labios Se pone los

lentes de contacto 7:59 camina a la estacin Toma el tren Camina al edificion de su trabajo 9:00 llega al trabajo Sube una escalera mecnica Sube en ascensor Prende su computador Se conecta a internet Se conecta a una base de datos Alanize ndices econmicos 13:00 sale a almorzar Compra una amburgueza Se toma una malteada sentda en el parke 13:27 vuelve al trabajo Se sienta y vuelve a prender el computador Vuelve a analizar ndices econmicos 5:27 sale del trabajo Se va a tomar cerveza.

she wakes up to 7:00 oclock she turns off the alarm she goes to the bathroom she takes the breakfast

she goes back to the bathroom at 7:29 She brushes her teeth she brushes his teeth she dresses she put on makeup she walks to the train station at 7:59 She goes to take the train she walks to the office she walks to work she goes up the stairs she gets to work at 9:00 and elevator up she gets to work at 9:00 and she goes up in elevator she turns on the computer she is connects to the internet she connects a database she analyzes economic indicators she takes her lunch at thirteen o`clock she buys a hamburger she drinks a milkshake in the park She comes back to the work at 13:27 She sets in her chair and back to works. She goes out to the work at 5:27 She drinks a beer!!!!

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