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In this, we mainly discuss the

problems with the conventional
methods oI communication such as
Permissions, License Iees, Lack oI
International standardization,
Wastage oI power and Security
How this new technology oI WOC
can be used to overcome these
problems, along with its own set oI
WhaL ls WCC??
W 1hls ls a group of
Lechnologles LhaL use
llghL Lo communlcaLe
Lhrough Lhe alr and
requlre clear llne of slghL
beLween unlLs
W n Lhe lasL decades Lhe use of wlreless has
grown aL a furlous pace 1he advanLages of
wlreless are rapld deploymenL wlLhouL Lhe
need Lo dlg Lrenches for cables and seek
permlsslons for rlghL of way
1he sysLems ln common use are
Satellite : Whlle saLelllLes ln lowearLh orblL are
someLlmes used for communlcaLlon Lhe mosL
common are geosLaLlonary saLelllLes whlch are
sLaLloned approxlmaLely 34000 km away 1hese are
parLlcularly useful Lo brlng communlcaLlons Lo
remoLe areas
W #adio : Cver Lhe years o p/ethoro of sysLems
for radlo communlcaLlon have been
developed 1hese use a varleLy of frequencles
as well as proLocols for modulaLlng Lhe carrler
frequency wlLh daLa and cover ranges from a
few Lo Lhousands of kllomeLers
W obile Phone : WlLh Lhe advenL of moblle
phones wlreless communlcaLlons reached Lhe
man ln Lhe sLreeL Pere Loo Lhere are several
sysLems ln use boLh analog and dlglLal ln a
varleLy of frequencles and lncompaLlble
sLandards CSM and CuMA have emerged as
Lhe domlnanL sysLems ln Lhls space
W 1he radlo specLrum ls hlghly regulaLed all over
Lhe world 1he flrsL reason for Lhls ls lnLerference
unless care ls Laken Lo carefully deslgn sysLems
LhaL elLher use compleLely dlsparaLe frequencles
or Lhe anLennae are carefully dlrecLed so LhaL Lhe
beams donL lnLerfere radlo communlcaLlon
breaks down 1he second reason for sLrlcL
regulaLlon ls securlLy
License fees
W As users and uses for wlreless communlcaLlon
have lncreased radlo specLrum has become
lncreaslngly scarce AucLlonlng Lhln sllces of lL
has become hlghly lucraLlve for governmenLs
1yplcally such llcense fees are noL [usL one
Llme buL annual
Lock of internotiono/ stondorditotion
uesplLe Lhe besL efforLs of organlzaLlons such as
Lhe 1u ma[or markeLs such as Lhe uS Lurope
and !apan have noL always been able Lo agree on
whaL frequency Lo use for whlch purpose As a
resulL Lhe same producL cannoL be used across
counLrles a slLuaLlon moblle phone users are
famlllar wlLh 1hls reduces Lhe level of mass
producLlon posslble leadlng Lo hlgher cosL
wostefu/ of power
W adlo Lransmlsslons are hard Lo focus As a
resulL only a very Llny porLlon of Lhe energy
LransmlLLed ls acLually plcked up by Lhe
recelver 1hls problem or course becomes
more acuLe as Lhe dlsLance beLween sender
and recelver lncreases and ls Lhe bane of
saLelllLe communlcaLlons arLlcularly ln rural
areas power ls scarce and expenslve
ecause radlo Lransmlsslons expand ouLward ln
a large cone people oLher Lhan Lhe deslred
reclplenL can plck up Lhe Lransmlsslon unless
quallLy sofLware encrypLlon ls employed
whlch sLlll happens raLher rarely radlo
communlcaLlon ls easy Lo lnLercepL llegal use
of radlo communlcaLlon ls also falrly easy Lo
W CpLlcal communlcaLlon ls as a rule a
compleLely unregulaLed markeL excepL Lo Lhe
exLenL requlred Lo proLecL Lhe human eye
from a sLrong beam
W 1hls permlLs vlewlng aL any range over any
duraLlon even uslng opLlcal alds such as
blnoculars 1he mlllwaLLs of power Lyplcally
used by modern opLlcal communlcaLlon
sysLems are well below such llmlLs
W Whlle mosL producLs allow only polnLLopolnL
communlcaLlon companles such as Alrllber
and 1erabeam have broughL ouL producLs LhaL
easlly allow a mesh of llnks beLween nodes Lo
be seL up rlces are ln Lhe Lhousands lf noL
Lens of Lhousands of dollars
W 1he narrow beams used ln wlreless opLlcal
communlcaLlons need Lo sLay focused even
Lhrough wlnd and vlbraLlon 1hls requlres
speclal hardware for auLomaLlc allgnmenL
1hen agaln weaLher and flylng blrds can
lnLerfere wlLh quallLy recepLlon
ConsequenLly Lhe dlfflculLles faced by
Lhe lndusLry lnclude
W iqhspeed hiqh cost niche
W competition
i Optic liber
W 1he advanLages of wlreless opLlcal and Lhe
problems lLs compeLlLors face make Lhls area
very promlslng and naLurally Lhe sub[ecL of
conslderable research around Lhe world
W 2 examples are
i @he video comero /oser pointer
ii @he hiqh speed so/ution with custom
W Wlreless opLlcal communlcaLlon has advanced far
enough LhaL lL encompasses all Lhe beneflLs of
convenLlonal wlreless qulck deploymenL and
moblle communlcaLlon whlle dellverlng a mllllon
Llmes more bandwldLh Lhan a CSM phone
provldlng much hlgher securlLy and consumlng
far less power
W Slnce unllke convenLlonal wlreless opLlcal
devlces operaLe ln globally unregulaLed frequency
bands Lhey have an unresLrlcLed global markeL

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