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HA`l MA`AlMl`T
B\ . RCUl l+
What |s Change Management?
W A sLrucLured approach of LranslLlonlng
lndlvlduals Leams organlzaLlons from a currenL
sLaLe Lo a deslred fuLure sLaLe
W lL lncludes
Mlsslon Changes
SLraLeglc Changes
CperaLlonal Changes
1echnologlcal changes
ALLlLudes and behavlor of personnel
9|nc|p|es of Change Management
9lan for a change 9lannlng ls easler Lhan lmplemenLaLlon
lnvolve and Lake supporL of all people wlLhln ln a sysLem of
undersLand Lhe currenL poslLlon
undersLand Lhe fuLure poslLlon and measures Lo reach
quote fom SWS
#eslLaLlng Lo acL because Lhe whole
vlslon mlghL noL be achleved or
because oLhers do noL yeL share lL ls
an aLLlLude LhaL only hlnders
Swades In 8|ef
W Mohan 8hargava n8l worklng [ nASA hls [ourney from
uS Lo a vlllage ln lndla
W ls reallzaLlon of how dlfferenL Lhe Lwo worlds are
W 1ransformaLlon of an lndlvldual who ls lndlfferenL Lo an
lndlvldual who sLands for Lhe people
W e lnculcaLed a splrlL of oneness ln all Lhe vlllagers
W A sense of lnLerdependence noLhlng ls lmposslble when all
work as a Leam
@he Change 9ocess
W Mohan brlngs an elecLrlc massager for hls kaverl amma
buL he flnds no elecLrlclLy
W Cnly 73 of Lhe vlllage had elecLrlclLy (34 hours/day) Lhe
resL 23 was wlLhouL elecLrlclLy
W no lmporLance Lo educaLlon
W no phone neLwork coverage
W All vlllages faclng slmllar
problems serlous flnanclal crunch
Change |n Mohan
Earlier After
Sleeps in Caravan Sleeps in village
home on Cot
Drinks only Mineral
Drinks village water
Blames the system
and Government
Admits that it is
responsibility oI all
and that people
should work
together to bring
Change |n V|||ages
% 9ersuaded Lhe
vlllagers Lo send Lhelr
chlldren Lo school
% Change ln Lhe
LradlLlon of
separaLlng dallLs
(unLouchables) from
Lhe 8rahmlns
% 8ullds a sLrong Leam of
vlllagers Lo bulld a
hydroelecLrlc power
% Made Lhe vlllage self
sufflclenL and lnculcaLed a
sense of lnLerdependence
among Lhe vlllagers
% re[ecLs Lhe defuncL dlvlslons
of casLe and class #e Lara
vo Lara ek Lara"
Steps to a successfu| Change
Need fo change lnsplre people Lo
move make ob[ecLlves real and
8u||d Lhe guldlng Leam wlLh rlghL skllled
Get the v|s|on |ght Lo drlve servlce
and efflclency
Commun|cate lnvolve people
communlcaLe Lhe essenLlals make
Lechnology work for you raLher Lhan
Steps to a successfu| Change
mpowe act|on 8emove obsLacles Lake supporL
from leaders
Ceate shottem w|ns SeL alms LhaL are easy Lo
ont |et up Lncourage deLermlnaLlon and
Make change st|ck Weave change lnLo culLure
u Lean|ng
W Change musL lnvolve Lhe people lL musL noL be lmposed
upon Lhe people
W ow Lo balance dlfferenL roles
W Mlsslon accompllshmenL
W Ialues and 9rlnclples
W ueclslon Maklng
W Leadershlp Lhrough demonsLraLlon

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