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209 Harlich gardens

Hounslow, Middlesex
Mobile No. 07956259125

CusLomer servlce manager
vlrgln medla
Dear customer service manager,
I am writing you aIter Iacing disappointment Irom the services you provided.
Person named Tony misguided us due to which we have to Iace diIIiculties in availing the
services even aIter paying Ior it. The line is already installed there Iew months ago, we just
requested you Ior the temporary disconnection and aIter Iew months we again called you to re-
connect us to your services. Meanwhile during the whole procedure we were provided three
numbers, aIter one another Irom the beginning oI November month and because oI this those 28
days passed away in conIirmation .Finally the 3
number provided is working, Tony guaranteed
us Ior the reimbursement oI 100 pounds but we are unable to receive it yet shows that you breach
the contract. Further we are inIormed that now we are in a contract Ior the whole 12 months, how
you could IulIill your customer demands Ior the 1 year when you are unable to satisIy them in
the very Iirst attempt. I have made many calls to your help line, and have been unhelpIully
transIerred to a variety oI sales representative who put me on hold Ior more than 30 mints and
Iinally call been cut oII. When we call Ior getting a new connection you are well eIIective and
eIIicient but on the other hand when aIter getting your connection we seek Ior your help and call
you, you responded negatively which causes high dissatisIaction.
To resolve the problem I require you to reimburse my 100 pounds and act accordingly as you
stated in the terms and conditions. Whilst reserving my right to claim against you. Enclosed is a
copy oI the receipt.
I look Iorward to hearing Irom you and to a resolution oI this problem. I will wait Ior 3 days
beIore arranging Ior the matter to be corrected by a third party at your cost or seeking help Irom
solicitor. Please contact me on the above address or phone number.
This is written on behalI oI Ahmed Waqas Shah.

Yours Sincerely,
Ahmed waqas shah

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