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uear (manager name)

l am wrlLlng you Lo offlclally Lender my reslgnaLlon from (company name) effecLlve lrlday !une 13Lh
2007 Worklng for (company name) has been a wonderful experlence l could noL ask for a beLLer group
of colleagues l have grown ln many ways here and wlll always Lreasure Lhe opporLunlLles provlded for
me by (company name) l wlll be accepLlng a poslLlon as (poslLlon) wlLh (company name) Whlle l wlll
mlss my frlends here aL (company name) l feel LhaL lL ls Llme for a new challenge and experlence
1hls declslon was noL an easy one and lnvolved many days and hours of LhoughLful conslderaLlon
parLlcularly wlLh respecL Lo my own plans for Lhe fuLure neverLheless my declslon ls flnal lease do noL
make Lhls process more dlfflculL Lhan lL need be wlLh dlscusslons of Lhe reasons for my declslon or
wheLher or noL lL can be changed My maln LhoughLs are now Lo work as hard as posslble Lo wrap up my
affalrs here and Lurn over my responslblllLles as you dlrecL
8esL Wlshes
(your name)

uear Mr/Ms Manager
lease accepL Lhls leLLer as my Lwoweeks noLlce of reslgnaLlon My lasL day of work wlll be (lasL day)

Whlle l have been very saLlsfled aL x?Z Company l have declded Lo make Lhls move Lo advance my
career l have en[oyed worklng wlLh you and appreclaLe Lhe opporLunlLles l have been glven here

l wlll do my besL Lo hand off my currenL pro[ecLs prlor Lo (lasL day of work) lease leL me know lf you
need my help ln any oLher way

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