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1 All by oneself alone

2 WlLh 2 feeL blped

3 WlLh 4 feeL quadruped
4 A badly behavlng chlld braL
3 A chlld of unusual LalenL prodlgy
6 A former female sLudenL of a school / college alumna
7 A former male sLudenL of a school / college alumnus
8 A haLer of manklnd mlsanLhroplsL
9 Cne who haLes marrlage mlsogamlsL
10 A man of leLLers scholar
11 A man who ls very aLLracLlve and glrls fall easlly ln love wlLh hearLLhrob
12 A person auLhorlsed Lo acL on behalf of Lhe oLher proxy
13 A person employed Lo drlve a car especlally for someone rlch or lmporLanL chauffeur
14 A person engaged ln lndlrecL or lrregular flghLlng guerrllla
13 A person hlghly skllled ln someLhlng adepL
16 A person punlshed for Lhe mlsLake of oLhers scapegoaL
17 A person runnlng away from danger ln[usLlce fuglLlve
18 A person who compleLely absLalns from alcohol llquor LeeLoLaller
19 A man who accompanles anoLher companlon
20 lncharge of a museum curaLor
21 hyslclan who helps wlLh dellvery obsLeLrlclan
22 A woman employed Lo clean Lhe lnslde of a bulldlng charwoman
23 AcrobaLlc movemenL of persons Lurnlng head over heels somersaulL
24 Chlef of a group of workmen foreman
23 Lacklng ln sklll amaLeurlsh
26 Man who ls womanlsh ln hls hablLs effemlnaLe
27 A member of Lhe class of nobles arlsLocraL
28 1oken paymenL pald noL as a salary buL for a posL held merely as a honour honorarlum
29 Cne who aLLends Lhe dlsease of Lhe eye ocullsL / ophLhalmologlsL
30 rofesslonal rlder ln a horse race [ockey
31 Cne who bullds shlps shlpwrlghL
32 Cne who collecLs sLamps phllaLellsL
33 Cne who complles a dlcLlonary lexlcologlsL lexlcographer
34 Cne who cuLs preclous sLones lapldlsL
33 Cne who deals ln caLLle drover
36 Cne who deals ln flsh flshmonger
37 Cne who deals wlLh sllk llnen cloLh mercer
38 Cne who draws maps carLographer
39 Cne who draws plans draughLsman
40 Cne who goes from place Lo place mendlng poLs and pans Llnker
41 Cne who lends money agalnsL goods pawn broker
42 Cne who makes and sells ladles' haLs mllllner
43 Cne who makes and sells candles chandler
44 Cne who pasLures caLLle for Lhe markeL grazler
43 Cne who pays ouL money ln a bank Leller
46 Cne who plans and deslgns bulldlngs archlLecL
47 Cne who preserves Lhe sklns of anlmals and mounLs Lhem LaxldermlsL
48 Cne who sells arLlcles aL publlc sales aucLloneer
49 Cne who sells rlbbons lace and Lhread haberdasher
30 Cne who sLudles rocks soll geologlsL
31 Cne who sLudles evoluLlon of manklnd anLhropologlsL
32 Cne who sLudles Lhe pasL Lhrough ob[ecLs lefL behlnd archaeologlsL
33 Cne who sLudles Lhe sLars asLronomer
34 Cne who sLudles Lhe worklng of Lhe human mlnd psychologlsL
33 Cne who Lakes care of bulldlngs [anlLor
36 Cne who Lravels from place Lo place selllng rellglous arLlcles colporLeur
37 Cne who ls wellversed ln Lhe sclence of human races Lhelr varleLles and orlgln eLhnologlsL
38 A person who walks on ropes funambullsL
39 A person who works on feaLhers for apparel plumassler
60 A person who wrlLes ln shorLhand sLenographer
61 ArL of maklng gold and sllver lnsLrumenLs flllgree
62 eople who work hard Lollers
63 1he commander of a fleeL admlral
64 1he Lreasurer of a college / unlverslLy bursar

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