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ABSTRACT This project was administered to answer a series of questions to execute our knowledge of the issues at hand.

The purpose was to predict and then find the correct correlation between elements such as gender weight and height, political party decision trends, as well as trends in handedness decisions. We started with over 2000 sets of data and narrowed it down to 50 data samples using an online random generator. I used graphs and tables to organize our information then gave a brief explanation describing our visual diagrams. Next I used statistical formulas to find the correlations, p-values, and confidence intervals for each of the questions given to us. Using both the charts I created, as well as a TI-84 I was able to test whether my initial hypotheses were correct or not. At the end I discussed the results I obtained. INTRODUCTION A survey of 2,628 individuals was collected from students at Taft College. Each student submitted 10 surveys to the study. Out of the 2,628 surveys 50 were chosen by an online random number generator. Instructions on these surveys was to answer questions regarding the relationship between gender/income, physical characteristics, status on political beliefs, and several other political issues political issues such as death penalty, re-election, and beliefs on the health care bill. The purpose of this data analysis project is to find any possible relationships between the characteristics of each question pertaining to gender. I believe that gender influences physical attributes, education level, and income. Political thoughts and opinions are highly predisposed to education level. METHODS The procedure used for this project was that I used an online random generator for all the data that had been collected into one Microsoft Excel folder. I had done this because I did not want any of the data to be based off of bias and by getting a randomized sample data, it would provide the most accurate representation of the sample data. Because I am also a part of this project, I too filled out ten surveys and choose to stay away from them so that it would not cause any problems. For the data and graphs provided, a TI-84 calculator was used. Some graphs are also created by hand and then made on the internet. Out of all the survey data, some of it was entered in on excel as non numbers and mistakes were made. To fix these mistakes, anything that was written as an integer, such as 4.25 were rounded to the nearest tenth, turning 4.25 into 4. Anything that had letters such as pounds, lbs, inches, etc... were fixed to proper numbers and erased to clean up the data. The questions asked in the surveys were provided by a professor.

Summary statistics: 5 Number Summary + Mean

Column Mean Min Max Q1 Q3 Median Height Weight Ring Shoe 68.7 164.96 8.545 8.75 50 40 3 6 200 63 69 67 156.5 8 8.5

295 145 190 32 14 6 7 10 10

Five number summary + mean for height, weight, ring, and shoe size, for men and women.

Box plots are shown above the data and it is skewed to the left.

The histograms above show the difference in earnings by gender. Just below are the 5-mumber summary + the mean of the hours worked per week by each gender.

Summary statistics for Hours worked per week: Grouped by Gender Gender Mean Median Min Max Q1 Q3 40 44.5 0 0 60 20 40 Female 33.366665 Male 42.75

75 30.5 60

Histogram Political Views on Obama

Obama Re-election by Political View

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Yes No Undecided

The histogram above shows how many people are in favor of Obamas reelection and their political views.

Bar Chart View on Healthcare Bill: Grouped by Political Beliefs

Healthcare Bill Approval by Political Views

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Yes No Undecided

Chart View on Healthcare Bill by Political View Yes No Undecided Total Republican 2 11 5 18 Democrat 6 7 4 17 Independent 0 8 1 9 Other 0 2 4 6 Total 8 28 14 50

The graph and summary are to show the difference, if any, on the approval of the Healthcare Bill. From the looks of it, most republicans voted no, democrats averaged everywhere, and most independents voted no.

Death Penalty Approval By Political Party

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Yes No Undecided

Death Penalty Approval by Political Party Chart Republican 13 4 0 17 Democrat 11 5 1 17 Independent 7 2 1 10 Other 5 1 0 6 Total 36 12 2 50

Yes No Undecided Total

As seen in the summary and graph above, most republicans were for the death penalty, as were the majority of democrats and independents.

Death Penalty Approval by Handedness

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Yes No Undecided

Death Penalty Approval by Handedness Chart Right Yes 30 No 23 Undecided 3 Total 45

Left 5 0 0 5

Total 35 13 2 50

From the data above, right handedness had 7 more yess than nos on the death penalty, while all 100% of left handedness people were in favor for it.


Summary statistics for of water: Group by: Handedness Handedness Left Right Mean 58.58 61.91111 Median Min Max Q1 Q3 70 16.9 48 8 96 30 80 200 32 72

Box plots shown above are to show the 5 number summary and to see if there is any correlation between handedness and the amount of water consumed.

Natural Hair Color

Brown: 46% Black: 28% Blonde: 24% Red: 2%

Above is the percentage of hair data from the people surveyed. ON other notes brunette was turned into brown.

RESULTS For the relationship between a persons ring and shoe size I used Pearson correlation coefficient test. R= 0.46952 and p-value= 0.00058. The evidence is sufficient and there is a relationship. I am 95% sure that the correlations of a persons ring and shoe size are (0.2199, 0.6614). To test where there is a significant difference in gross income based on gender, I used the independent sample test. Test statistic z is 1.6067, p-value 0.10811 (reject the null hypothesis). There is a significant difference in gross income based on gender. I am 95% confident the difference between the two populations is (-4571.81, 46165.15). To test whether there is a relationship between political party and President Obamas reelection I used the chi-square test statistic. Level of significance: = 0.05, test statistic: 10.37, and pvalue= 0.1099. Fail to reject the null hypothesis and there is no significant relationship between political parties and will Obama be reelected. I used the chi-square test statistic to test whether there is a relationship between political party and favor of the health care bill as passed. Level of significance: = 0.05, test statistic= 12.55, and p-value: 0.0508. Fail to reject the null hypothesis and there is no significant relationship between political parties and the health care as passed. I used the chi-square test statistic to test whether there is a relationship between political party and the death penalty. Level of significance: = 0.05, test statistic= 2.67, and p-value 0.8494. Fail to reject the null hypothesis and there is no significant relationship between political parties and favor of the death penalty. I used the chi-square test statistic to test whether there is a relationship between handedness and the death penalty. Level of significance: = 0.05, test statistic= 2.16, and p-value = 0.3395. Fail to reject the null hypothesis and there is no significant relationship between handedness and favor of the death penalty. I used the independent samples test to test whether there is a relationship between handedness and amount of water consumed. Test statistic: -0.20 (z) and p-value= 0.8414. Fail to reject the null hypothesis and there is no significant difference in water consumed based on handedness. To test the hypothesis whether there is a relationship between political party and gender, I performed the chi-square test statistic. Level of significance: = 0.05, test statistic= 0.69, and pvalue= 0.8745. Fail to reject the null hypothesis and no significant relationship between political party and gender. To test if there is a significant difference in gross income among the political parties, I performed the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). F-test statistic= 0.21 and p-value = 0.8866. Fail to reject the null hypothesis and there is no relationship between political parties and gross income. To test if there is a correlation between hours worked and gross income I used the Pearson correlation coefficient method r= 0.736668, t-test statistic= 7.5471344, and the p-value is 0.0000. The evidence is sufficient to conclude that there is a significant association between the two variables hours and gross income. I am 95% sure that the correlations are (0.576536, 0.842303).

I used the chi-square test statistic to test whether there is a relationship between gender and HIV. P-value= 1, thus the evidence is not sufficient to conclude that there is a significant relationship between the variables gender and HIV. I used the chi-square test statistic to test whether there is a relationship between ethnicity and if the respondent feels President Obama will be re-elected. Level of significance: = 0.05, test statistic= 7.37, p-value= 0.2877. Fail to reject the null hypothesis so I can conclude that there is no significant relationship between ethnicity and Obama will be reelected.

DISCUSSION For a persons relationship between their ring size and shoe size there was significant evidence to support that there is correlation. This is not surprising because usually if there is a growth in the size of a hand there is growth in the size of the foot. Men showed to have a higher gross income then women did. This is because men take up most positions for higher paying jobs and men typically major in areas that have a low level of female graduates. There was no significant relationship between the political parties and whether or not they believed president Obama would be reelected for a second term. From my own personal observation I found that most of the individuals believed that he would not be returning as a second term president. This could be because of the recent media reports that have said he has been slow to improve the economy. Whatever the case, this would probably benefit to have more studies conducted in order to return more results. Similarly, there was no relationship between the political parties and if they favored the health care bill. The results were scattered across the board and would probably benefit from more studies. Again, there was no relationship between the political parties and if they were in favor of the death penalty. This is a surprise because usually Republicans are in favor of the death penalty, whereas Democrats are not. Other and Independent political parties can go either way. This survey should also be conducted in further tests to determine if there is difference. There is no significance between handedness and the death penalty, which is to be expected because handedness is a physical attribute that does not relate to the death penalty in anyway. Also, there is no significant difference between handedness and amount of water consumed; this is probably because handedness is something you are born with that does not contribute to using more water. There is also no significant relationship between political party and gender. This is probably because your political party usually involves your beliefs, background, and education levels and is not based on your gender. There is no relationship between political party and gross income. This is not surprising because now there are more people siding with certain political parties based on their belief system and not financially. There was a relationship between hours worked and gross income. This is believable and expected because over-time and hourly wages are based on the amount of hours worked, not salary. There is not a relationship between HIV and gender, which is surprising because most medical journals do say it is easier for a woman to contract HIV than a man. Bigger samples should be done to see if there is indeed a relationship. There is no significant relationship between ethnicity and if Obama will be reelected. This could be contributed, again, to recent media reports.

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