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LxLra leaLs

Armed Lo Lhe 1eeLh

rereq 1wo Weapon llghLlng
?ou can use a melee weapon and a ranged weapon whlle uslng Lwo weapons lnsLead of one or Lhe
Pard Lyed
rereq Charlsma 13 lnLlmldaLe 4 ranks
+3 clrcumsLance bonus on lnLlmldaLe checks when almlng gun aL LargeL wlLhln 30 feeL lnsLead of Lhe
normal +2 bonus
lmproved AuLoflre
rereq ersonal llrearm roflclency Advanced llrearm roflclency
uC for AuLoflre 8eflex save ls lncreased from 13 Lo 20
lmproved uead Alm
rereq Wlsdom 13 lar ShoL uead Alm
ALLack bonus from uead Alm ls lncreased from +2 Lo +3
Pall of 8ulleLs
rereq olnL 8lank ShoL uouble 1ap
?ou can use semlauLomaLlc flrearms as auLomaLlc flrearms and perform all Lhe same acLlons wlLh Lhem
such as auLoflre or bursL flre
8eacLlve ShooLer
rereq uexLerlLy 13
lf you have a medlum or small slzed weapon ln your hand you may acL ln a surprlse round even lf
surprlsed lnlLlaLlve ls rolled normally buL only acLlon you may Lake ls a slngle ranged aLLack wlLh a 3

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