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1. All are principles of Effective Occupation except a. discovery alone gives only an inchoate title; it must be followed within a reasonable time by effective occupation b. effective occupation does not necessarily require continuous display of authority in every part of the territory claimed c. an occupation made is valid only with respect to and extends only to the area effectively occupied. d. Occupation of coasts results to claim on the unexplored interior Ans: d 2. The ff. are the principles of the UN except? a. All its members are equal and all are committed to fulfill in good faith their obligations under the Charter b. To settle their disputes with each other by peaceful means c. To refrain from the threat or use of force in their international relations d. To assist any State against which the UN is taking preventive or enforcement action. Ans: d 3. The ff. are qualifications for Membership of the UN except a. Must not be necessarily a State b. Must be Peace-loving c. Must accept the obligations as member d. In the judgment of the Organization, be able and willing to carry out such obligation. Ans: a 4. Yalta Voting Formula in UN security council for substantive matters a. 5 votes including 9 permanent votes b. 9 votes including 5 permanent votes c. 9 votes of any of SC members d. 5 votes of any of SC member Ans: b

5. One of the subject matters of treaties a. Political issues b. Adjustment of details carrying out well-established national policies and traditions c. Arrangements of temporary nature d. Implementation of treaties, statutes, well established policies. Ans: a

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