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Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science concerned with the study and the design of the intelligent machines.

The term of "artificial intelligence", coined at the conference that took place at Dartmouth in 1956 comes from John McCarthy who defined it as the science of creating intelligent machine. Along with the development of the electronic computers, back in 1940s, this domain and concept known as artificial intelligence and concerned with the creation of intelligent machines resembling to humans, more precisely, having qualities such as those of a human being, started produce intelligent machines. AI has expanded out of maths and physics into evolutionary biology, psychology and cognitive studies in the hope of getting a more complete understanding of what makes a system, whether it be organic or electronic, an intelligent system. AI has already made a big difference to our lives in leisure pursuits, communications, transportation, sciences and space exploration. It can be used as a tool to make more efficient use of our time in designing complex things such as microprocessors or even other AI's. As the manufacturing industry becomes increasingly competitive, manufacturers need to implement sophisticated technology to improve productivity. Artificial intelligence, or AI, can be applied to a variety of systems in manufacturing. It can recognize patterns, plus perform time consuming and mentally challenging or humanly impossible tasks. In manufacturing, it is often applied in the area of constraint based production scheduling and closed loop processing. In recent times there has also been a marked increase in investment for research in AI. This is because business is realising the time and labour saving potential of these tools. AI can make existing applications easier to use, more intuitive to user behaviour and more aware of changes in the environment they run in. In the early day of AI research the field failed to meet its goals as quickly as investors believed it would, and this led to a slump in new capital. Because of these supremacies, AI will most certainly become common in the very near future, as the widespread use of AI will bring more prosperity and enhanced well-being to the entire population of our planet. Intelligent automation systems, various advisory programs and robots can, and will, do the work that we either can not or desire not to do.

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