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1oo pnInts + bnnus (71 Is pussIng)

D|rect|ons nandwr|te |n b|ue or green book ut |n prose form and |n your own words No d|rect
G|v|ng S to 10 s|gn|f|cant facts
1 ulscuss Lhe slgnlflcance of uuke LlllngLon and hls conLrlbuLlon Lo [azz (Ch 1)
2 ulscuss Lhe slgnlflcance of Wllllam CounL" 8asle Lo Lhe developmenL of kansas
clLy [azz
3 ulscuss Lhree slgnlflcanL male [azz planlsL and Lhree female bandleaders along
wlLh Lhelr conLrlbuLlons
4 ulscuss Lhe emergence of Cospel and Church Songs among Afrlcan descendanLs
and Lhe role of Charles 1lnley 8lchard Allen and 1homas A uorsey
3 ulscuss Lhe Lhree maln dlfferences and slmllarlLles beLween gospels and splrlLuals
6 ulscuss Lhree facLors ln Lhe change ln gospel sLyle over Lhe 19401970's?
7 ulscuss Lhe deflnlng elemenLs ln Lhe gospel sound and ln lLs creaLlon and
8 ulscuss Lhe slgnlflcance of Mahalla !ackson and her conLrlbuLlon Lo gospel
9 ulscuss Lhe emergence of 8ebop lLs characLerlsLlcs and Lhe role of Charles arker
ulzzy Clllesple and Mlles uavls ln lLs developmenL
10ulscuss Lhe emergence of lree !azz lLs characLerlsLlcs and Lhe role of CrneLL
Coleman ln lLs developmenL !ohn ColLrane and Charles Mlngus
11ulscuss Lhe emergence of Lhe ?oung Llons Lhe role of 1he rofessors" and each
of Lhelr slgnlflcance Lo Lhe forward developmenL of [azz

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