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FI Suryo Mod|str|ndo [SM} kecru|tment Sect|on

kode MI-Ops,

I w|sh to opp|y o pos|t|on |n your compony, p|eose o||ow me to |ntroduce my se|| br|e||y, I om o
boche|or o| Humon Eco|ogy |rom 8ogor Agr|cu|turo| bn|vers|ty mojor|ng Sc|ences Commun|cot|on ond
Commun|ty Deve|opment w|th strong |nterpersono| sk|||, creot|ve, ossert|ve ond h|gh mot|vot|on |or

I om very |nterested to pursue coreer |n your |ost grow|ng compony, I be||eve I hove the proven sk|||s
becouse dur|ng my co||ege, I hove go|ned some exper|ence |n orgon|zot|on oct|v|t|es, ond work
env|ronmento| os you con see |n my resume.

Exper|ence |n orgon|zot|on oct|v|t|es hove tought me how to th|nk ono|yt|co||y, so|ve prob|ems,
commun|cote we|| ond o|so moke good presentot|on.

Wh||e ottend|ng co||ege |u|| t|me, I worked port t|me os on oss|stont proct|co| o| 8os|cs o|
Commun|cot|on ond Moss Commun|cot|on |n order to go|n more exper|ence ond to be se||-support|ng
|n ||nonc|o|. Io your compony, I o||er these some |eve|s o| energet|c e||ort ond perseveronce.

8es|de thot, my exper|ence |n o v|||oge dur|ng my ||no| stud|es hove tought me how to work |n o teom
env|ronment, bu||d o good re|ot|ons w|th |oco| commun|t|es to so|ve the prob|em |n the|r v|||oge.

I be||eve my know|edge, exper|ence ond techn|co| sk|||s |n the ||e|d w||| he|p me contr|bute o greot
deo| to your compony.

Ihe ottoched CV o| m|ne w||| prov|de you more |n|ormot|on obout my exper|ence. At o t|me conven|ent
to you, I'|| be g|od to ottend on |nterv|ew to |urn|sh you w|th more deto||s. I con be contocted on
08571122133, ond the |o||ow|ng e-mo|| oddress: |

Ihonk you |or your t|me ond cons|derot|on.

Yours s|ncere|y.

S|t| Ho||motusod|oh, SKFM

J|. Mekor Hur|p 17
Komp|ek Femuk|mon Mekor Indoh
C|jeroh-8ondung 40213
Contoct: 08571122133
Emo||: |

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