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Alhamdulillah, Iirst oI all we would like to thank God as Iinally we were able to Iinish our
assignment that have been given by biostatistics` lecturer to us. This task had been done with all
aIIord by group members.
Besides that, big thank we address to our lecturer, Miss Lina M. Ali because without her guide
our project cannot be done properly like this. She always give us supports and guide to us how to
do our assignment in purpose to produce a good outcome Irom research that been studied. Topic
that been chosen by our group are regarding the study oI understanding the market oI tea
industry which we speciIic on BOH Plantation Sdn. Bhd.
Finally, thank to our beloved Iriend that always stick together and also work hard to produce a
good assignment with all aIIord and responsibility. Hope that all the aIIord will give a lot oI
beneIits to us and also to our group project. Million thank also we wish to our entire classmate
because they also help us in doing our group. They always give us ideas and comments on our
project so that we can improve our project in many ways.

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