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8reast Cancer
8reasL cancer ls a Lype of cancer LhaL you have Lo flnd ouL once lL appears for havlng chance
Lo cure lL ls sald Lo be one of curable Lypes of cancer once dlscovered aL flrsL sLage 1here's
much LhaL has been sald ln regard Lo Lhe ''Cdyssey of 8reasL'' ln women So women afLer
30 yrs old should have a check up of Lhelr breasL once every year slnce chances of breasL
cancer lncrease ln women afLer 40 years old and malnly beLween 40/4333 years old lL's
also sure LhaL aL early age cancer ls more dlfflculL Lo cure slnce cells are mulLlplled more
easlly and more qulckly lncluded slck cells of cancer
MasLecLomy Lhen has Lo be performed ln Lhese cases and when breasL cancer ls aL an
advanced sLage Lhen aparL from breasL removal Lhrough operaLlon some Lypes of
chemoLherapy are Lherefore suggesLed as ln Lhls case [usL LoLal breasL removal ls noL evenL
enough Lo sLop Lhe malady from expandlng A mosL modern and effecLlve klnd of
chemoLherapy for breasL cancer ls lnhlblLlon of glycollsls LhaL has a good lmpacL of
LrasLuzumab LhaL ls proven Lo be very effecLlve for Lumors and wlLh Lhe asslsLance of PSl1
(PeaL Shock lacLor 1) and LuL A (lacLaLe of hydrogenaLe)ln Lrb82 breasL cancer Lhen
LrasLuzumab becomes very effecLlve by reduclng glucose Lhus a deLermlnlng facLor and a
flrsL class meLhod for combaLlng Lumors Lhrough process of glucose meLabollsm 1haL
glucose lnhlblLlon enhances Lhe effecLlveness of LrasLuzumab n breasL cancer ln regard Lo
PuSl1 and LuP facLors ln Lrb82 breasL cancer whlch are Lwo maln lndlcaLors of glucose
meLabollsm effecLed lnhlblLlng glucose of course Lhrough LrasLuzumab 1hls ls a clrcular
procedure LhaL ls repeaLed agaln and agaln once LrasLuzumab enhanced whaL conLrlbuLes
Lo reslsLance Lo cancer and also LhroughouL Lhe whole process of meLabollsm a sLrong
reslsLance Lo Lumor developlng ls achleved 1hls Lype of chemoLherapy acLually by
hydrogenaLe meLabollsm Lhrough lnhlblLed glucose conLrlbuLes Lo Lhe rapld meLabollsm
whlch ln Lurn lnhlblLs cells of cancer from expandlng by lncreaslng producLlon of healLhy
cells ln Lhe area Lhus also prevenLlng cancer from belng meLasLaLlc
ChemoLherapy ln general conslsLs ln changlng chemlcal reacLlons ln Lhe body by also
prevenLlng Lhls way healLhy cells Lo be affecLed more Lhus slck cells from ''eaLlng'' healLhy
cells Lhe way descrlbed above ln Lhe case of breasL cancer 1hen also glucose ln blood ls
noL Lransferred from slck cells Lo healLhy cells and meLabollsm Lhls way ls proven a caLalysL
for dead cells Also reacLlons effecLed by chemoLherapy LargeL Lo lsolaLe dead or slck cells
Lo a slngle area so LhaL Lhey cannoL furLher affecL healLhy cells 8eacLlons Lhrough
chemoLherapy LargeL also Lo resLore dlsLurbed balance of body subsLances Lo Lhe dlrecLlon
of lnvolvemenL of only of ma[orlLy of healLhy cells Lo chemlcal reacLlons of Lhe body by
resLrlcLlng Lhe lnfluence of Lhe slck ones So llke LrasLuzumab parLlclpaLlng Lo meLabollsm
all oLher slmllar subsLances parLlclpaLlng Lo chemlcal reacLlons have Lo be enhanced by
enhanclng Lhe necessary body reslsLance Lo cancer and ln Lhls case Lo breasL cancer

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