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k|shabh S|ngh Dharmsaktu

ulLruslon ls a fabrlcaLlon Lechnlque for maklng conLlnuous proflles of
composlLe maLerlals As wlLh all composlLes Lhe maLerlal ls made ln Lhe
same Llme as Lhe flnal producL ulLruslon ls based on flbers LhaL are
lmpregnaLed wlLh a LhermoseLLlng resln and pulled Lhrough a heaLed
dle where curlng Lakes place ulfferenL lamlnaLe layups are posslble
wlLh relnforcemenLs of maLs fabrlcs and mulLlaxlals 1he flnlshed
proflles are cuL Lo lengLh by a saw aL Lhe end of Lhe llne
AL Lhe process 2 3 and 4
Pultrusion die
Pulling unit
Sawing unit
All are based on the principle oI zero play

Mechanical Pencil
echanical pencil
mechanisms use only a
single lead diameter like
0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 mm. The
lead oI the pencil is too
low and brittle in nature .
Its need precision oI zero

CNC mach|n|ng
n cnc machlnlng Lhe Lool holder have Lo preclse zero play as Lhe
preclslon goes o mllllmeLers any klnd movemenL may lower Lhe level of

Automob||e p|ate spr|ng Lhese were been provlded for shock
reslsLance lf Lhe Lravel of Lhe sprlng ls very hlgh Lhan your drlve ls feels
much bumpler Lhan Lhe low Lravel or u say low compllance plaLes 1he
plaLes are so deslgned ply by ply so LhaL lL lncreases lLs sLlffness
CNC mach|n|ng
Mlnlmlzlng Lhe lengLh of Lool along Lhe llne of force wlll lncreases Lhe
Lorslonal sLlffness

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