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6roup Members

Aman kurl 112830

8lbha Shah 111073
8ahul 112848
Soumya 110371
SuchlLra 111108
1hamara 111131
ur mlsslon ls Lo provlde
cusLomers Lhe convenlence of
shopplng for Lhelr needs
wherever whenever Lhey wanL
1o be tbe cbolce tetollet
syoooymoos to cooveoleoce

leoJ by exomple
ocuses on cusLomer convenlence by
havlng a large number of frlendly rellable
nelghborhood sLores LhaL glves lL a
dlfferenLlaLlon and poslLlons lL unlquely
agalnsL compeLlLors lL does so Lhrough Lhe
followlng sLraLeglc buslness model
1 ulfferenLlaLed merchandlslng sLraLegy
2 uLlllzaLlon of 8eLall lnformaLlon SysLem
3 Managed dlsLrlbuLlon
4 rovldlng a convenlenL shopplng
3 unlque franchlse model
Pence an efflclenL supply chaln wlLh l1
enabled sysLems [usLlfles Lhe buslness
sLraLegy Lhrough greaL operaLlonal flL
glvlng unlque dlfferenLlaLlon
ffer dlfferenLlaLed sLraLegy wlLh
an array of MCC producLs
W ulrecL sLore dellvery
W CenLrallzed LransporLaLlon sysLem
W LffecLlve flow of lnformaLlon
Lhrough SA 8uslness lnLelllgence
W ConsolldaLed dellverles Lo focus
on sLore operaLlon mlnlmlze
congesLlon aL reLall ouLleL
W 8eLall lnformaLlon SysLem (S
Louch screen caLegory

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