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1here are followlng reasons Lo compleLe Lhls mlnl pro[ecL

abouL LransformaLlon of lndependenL varlable
O 1ransformaLlon ls a cenLral concepL ln slgnal and sysLem
O hlfLlng scallng and fllpplng of slgnal are used ln varlous aspecLs
of englneerlng
O Je should be able Lo verlfy our resulLs ln maLlab
O L wlll enhance our vlew abouL slgnals

n Lhls mlnl pro[ecL lnvesLed loL of my Llme ln scallng of
slgnal and Lhen lL was very easy Lo learn shlfLlng and fllpplng
lollowlng are Lhe sLeps and meLhods LhaL followed ln
Lhls pro[ecL
O n all funcLlons le scallng shlfLlng and fllpplng l asked user Lo
enLer Llme axls sequence array n and slgnal xn
O n scallng used mod() Lo flnd remalnder and run Lhe loop for
changlng n
O n shlfLlng reverslng Llme axls [usL puL nn
O 1hen for shlfLlng lL was very easy Lo puL nn+shlfL

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