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Lstab||shment of a Susta|nab|e Lnergy

Management System
|erre Caze||es
keg|ona| ro[ect Adv|sor ALMAS
ulrecLor arLnershlps Asla lnLernaLlonal Copper AssoclaLlon
ALMAS Launchlng Conference kuala Lumpur 19 !uly 2011
About Internat|ona| Copper Assoc|at|on
lnLernaLlonal nonproflL organlzaLlon
Leadlng organlzaLlon for promoLlng copper worldwlde
CperaLlng budgeL (lncludlng cofundlng) $80 M 2010
31 offlces ln 24 counLrles on 6 conLlnenLs
10 offlces ln Lurope offlces ln lndla Slngapore 1halland
Chlna !apan AusLralla
MosL lmporLanL program susLalnable elecLrlcal energy (60
of LoLal budgeL) elecLrlc moLors energy managemenL
Lransformers solar waLer heaLlng 8L eLc
Status of Lnergy Management
S|tuat|on Consequence
ueclslonmaklng process ln endusers
ln Asla Lopdown approach
1here ls a need for amblLlous energy
pollcy and proper declslonmaklng
process wlLh regard Lo energy
Lnergy Manager" ls CnL? a Lechnlcal
Lnergy managers" cannoL geL
supporL/ commlLmenL from Lhelr
As of Loday low level of
lmplemenLaLlon ln endusers because
lack of awareness and/or lnLeresL ln
Lnergy maLLers musL become a Loplc
of declslon aL managemenL board
Status of Lnergy Management
% Lnergy usually represenLs 3 of LoLal
producLlon cosL lmprovlng LL by 10 has
llLLle lmpacL on LoLal cosL savlngs
% 1he LradlLlonal" energy manager ls a
Lechnlcal person wlLh llLLle lf no declslon
power when lL comes Lo securlng budgeL
% All Lralnlng courses on energy
managemenL focus on Lhe Lechnlcal
aspecLs no Lralnlng currlculum on Lhe
MAnACLMLn1 aspecLs
8arr|er ana|ys|s
Cost sav|ngs |s NC1 a dr|ver
Lack of management
L|tt|e manager|a| sk|||s |n
Status of Lnergy Management
W|thout a proper Lnergy Management System there |s no
susta|nab|||ty |n LL measures |mp|emented
Status of Lnergy Management
re||m|nary conc|us|ons
W Absence of energy managemenL sysLem
makes efforLs ln LL noL susLalnable
W Lack of managerlal skllls and declslonpower
among energy managers"
W Lack of lnLeresL for LL and LnMgL among
ISC S000
W 8ecenLly publlshed
lSC 300012011 speclfles requlremenLs for esLabllshlng
lmplemenLlng malnLalnlng and lmprovlng an energy
managemenL sysLem whose purpose ls Lo enable an
organlzaLlon Lo follow a sysLemaLlc approach ln achlevlng
conLlnual lmprovemenL of energy performance lncludlng
energy efflclency energy use and consumpLlon"
ISC S000 draft vers|on
4 Genera| requ|rements
4 Management respons|b|||ty
421 Ceneral
422 8oles responslblllLy and auLhorlLy
4 Lnergy po||cy
44 |ann|ng
441 Ceneral
442 Lnergy roflle
443 Lnergy 8asellne
444 Lnergy performance lndlcaLors
443 Legal and oLher requlremenLs
446 Cb[ecLlves LargeLs and acLlon plans
4S Imp|ementat|on and operat|on
431 CompeLence Lralnlng and awareness
432 uocumenLaLlon
433 CperaLlonal conLrol
434 CommunlcaLlon
433 ueslgn
436 urchaslng energy servlces goods and energy
4 Check|ng performance
461 MonlLorlng measuremenL and analysls
462 LvaluaLlon of legal/oLher compllance
463 lnLernal audlL
464 nonconformlLles correcLlve prevenLlve and
lmprovemenL acLlons
463 ConLrol of records
4 kev|ew of the energy management system by top
ISC S000 pros and ||m|tat|ons
+ lSC's repuLaLlon wlll encourage many lndusLrles Lo adopL lSC 30001 Lo galn beLLer
publlc lmage
+ lSC 30001 sLandard provldes deLalled speclflcaLlons on Lhe elemenLs of an Lnergy
ManagemenL SysLem
+ lSC's repuLaLlon wlll encourage many lndusLrles Lo adopL lSC 30001 Lo galn beLLer
publlc lmage
+ lSC 30001 sLandard provldes deLalled speclflcaLlons on Lhe elemenLs of an Lnergy
ManagemenL SysLem
no guldellnes on PCW Lo esLabllsh and manage Lhe LnMgL sysLem rely on
exLernal consulLanLs?
lSC 300012011 does not prescribe specific performonce criterio with respect to
no requlremenLs on energy efflclency lmprovemenLs
no requlremenLs relaLed Lo budgeL and lnvesLmenL
lSC 300012011 ls appllcable Lo any organlzaLlon wlshlng Lo ensure LhaL lL
conforms Lo lLs sLaLed energy pollcy and wlshlng Lo demonsLraLe Lhls Lo oLhers
such conformlLy belng conflrmed either by meons of se/fevo/uotion ond se/f
dec/orotion of conformity or by cerLlflcaLlon of Lhe energy managemenL sysLem
by an exLernal organlzaLlon
no guldellnes on PCW Lo esLabllsh and manage Lhe LnMgL sysLem rely on
exLernal consulLanLs?
lSC 300012011 does not prescribe specific performonce criterio with respect to
no requlremenLs on energy efflclency lmprovemenLs
no requlremenLs relaLed Lo budgeL and lnvesLmenL
lSC 300012011 ls appllcable Lo any organlzaLlon wlshlng Lo ensure LhaL lL
conforms Lo lLs sLaLed energy pollcy and wlshlng Lo demonsLraLe Lhls Lo oLhers
such conformlLy belng conflrmed either by meons of se/fevo/uotion ond se/f
dec/orotion of conformity or by cerLlflcaLlon of Lhe energy managemenL sysLem
by an exLernal organlzaLlon
Lnergy Management Go|d Standard
SysLem of cerLlflcaLlon based on
excellence ln energy managemenL"
1ra|n|ng and cert|f|cat|on of
Lnergy Managers
W 1ralnlng currlculum focused
LxCLuSlvLL? on managerlal
aspecLs how Lo esLabllsh and
manage and LnMgL sysLem
W 1wo levels of cerLlflcaLlon
CerLlfled LnMer and
rofesslonal LnMer
Cert|f|cat|on of compan|es
W 8ased on lSC 30001 wlLh addlLlonal
W 1hree levels of cerLlflcaLlon Lo
progresslvely drlve Lowards LnMgL besL
Approach to LnMgt
1echn|ca| team
8eporL Lo
8eporL Lo
Cert|f|ed Lnergy
Cert|f|ed Lnergy
Cert|f|cat|on of Lnergy Managers
W Lmpowers lndusLrles wlLh lnhouse capablllLles Lo esLabllsh and manage
Lhe LnMgL sysLem
W Lnhances Lhe professlonal sLandlng of Lnergy Managers
W 1ralnlng currlculum based on 220page Lnergy ManagemenL Workbook
ko|e of the energy manager
now to def|ne the energy po||cy
now to appra|se the energy management performance
now to set up and manage energy base||ne LLI Lnergy Account|ng Centers Lnergy
Management Comm|ttee Lnergy Management Work|ng rocedures Investment Appra|sa| for
Lnergy Lff|c|ency ro[ects numan kesource Deve|opment |n Lnergy Management System
Documentat|on |n Lnergy Management System
now to estab||sh Lnergy 1arget |an |nc|ud|ng organ|z|ng Lnergy Aud|t Ana|ys|s
Measurement Ver|f|cat|on
now to |ntegrate the Lnergy Management System |nto 8us|ness ract|ce (work|ng mon|tor|ng
and report|ng procedures other management standards )
ro[ect management and |nvestment
Lnergy Management performance rev|ew
Cert|f|cat|on process
M|n|mum qua||f|cat|ons
W 8achelor degree or hlgher ln any fleld wlLh
AL leasL 3 years of worklng experlence ln facLorles and/or bulldlngs and
AL leasL 2 years of worklng experlence ln a supervlsory and/ or managerlal role
W Cr hlgher vocaLlonal cerLlflcaLlon or hlgher wlLh
AL leasL 7 years of worklng experlence ln facLorles and/or bulldlngs and
AL leasL 4 years of worklng experlence ln a supervlsory and/ or managerlal role

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