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Movimiento pendular Crecimiento real Baby-boom Saldo migratorio

2. De dnde proceden los inmigrantes que llegan a Andaluca? Qu tipo de personas se instalan en nuestra comunidad? Qu otras comunidades autnomas acogen un mayor nmero de inmigrantes extranjeros?

3. Comenta la siguiente pirmide de poblacin

4. Caractersticas de la densidad de poblacin en el mundo.

5. Seala las caractersticas de los movimientos habituales y migratorio. Qu es el saldo migratorio? 6. Filling the blanks .. and other methods of family planning may not be culturally or religiously acceptable. Many people claim that some women, who became pregnant after they had already had a child, were forced to have 7. Write one cause of population growth

8. Choose the best answer: When people are attracted to an area it becomes densely populated. Factors that influence this are:

Temperate climate Good supplies of natural resources Fertile land All of the above Population density is: the average number of people per square kilometre (for the area being studied). the average number of buildings on land surface of a country divided by total number of people on the planet. the average number of people in the world divided by total area of the world's surface (land and water).

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