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Combining paraphrases and quotations In this passage, the parts that cannot be paraphrased effectively are underlined.

In the partial paraphrase that follows, you will see that those parts are in quotation marks. ...early experiences with school not only create the foundations on which all (a child's) later educational experiences rest, but to a considerable degree influence how he comes to think of himself in relation to the wider world. These first experiences with learning in school are often decisive in forming the childs view of himself as part of society; depending on them, either he may feel welcomed and well served by it, and conclude that he will be successful within it, or he may feel that since this institution supposedly created for him is at best indifferent to his needs and at worst inimical, then the same is probably true for the rest of society and its institutions. If this happens, the child feels defeated by society from an early age. ________________________
Bettelheim, Bruno and Karen Zelan. On Learning to Read: The Childs Fascination with Meaning. New York: Knopf, 1982.

Partial paraphrase: According to Bruno Bettelheim and Karen Zelan, the early years of school are critical because they set the foundation for the rest of childrens education and influence the way children see themselves within society. As a result of these early experiences, children will either feel welcomed and well served and grow to believe that they will succeed in school, or they will feel that school is at best indifferent to (their) needs and at worst inimical. If children reach this negative conclusion, they will feel defeated by society from an early age.

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