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1rans|t|on of Ind|an Lconomy |n the |ast 6 decades

1 lndla ls a parL of sllk rouLe

2 8rlLlsh handlcapped Lhe supply chaln of lndla
3 Peavy lndusLry developmenL orlenLed pollcy
4 1aLa 8lrla slghanla's modl's also caplLallze PluC (heavy
lndusLrlallzed developmenL orlenLed pollcy)
3 Llcense ra[ was Lhls crux of flrsL economy pollcy
6 uue Lo llcense ra[ brlbery sLarLed ln lndla
7 1here was producLlon conLrol prlce conLrol and lmporL
8 A small scale lndusLry was noL allowed
9 lndla become a agro based economy
10 ln 1970 Lo 1980 has forelgn exchange crlses wlLh 3 crore
amounL ls our accounL due and lL wlll survlve 4 days
11 lor Lhls lndla asks for money from World 8ank
12 ln 1990 World 8ank asked for money
13 Manmohan Slngh when he was flnance mlnlsLer has
lmplemenLed llberallzaLlon whlch helps speclally Lhe smaller secLor
for relaxlng Lhe pollcles
14 ln 1991 lndla allowed LC as Lhe economlc pollcy
13 Servlces secLor conLrlbuLed mosL ln Lhe Cu
16 Cu ls 143 Lrllllon us $ as compared Lo 123 bllllon dollars ln
17 1here ls abundanL ls skllled as well unskllled labour force of
478 mllllon
18 lmporLs were made of $ 327 mllllon
19 lorelgn exchange reserves of 29888$ bllllon
20 lul sLock was 1911 bllllon

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