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Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

October 21, 2008 in Oakland

Meeting was called to order at 7:45

Beth called for Committee Updates not previously discussed at general meeting

Newsletter Update from David.

 It was noted that a letter/request for sound equipment did not make it into
October’s newsletter. David to remedy.
 David will prepare a notice to be sent out for Newsletter Due Dates.
 Next deadline for November Newsletter is Friday October 24th.
Discussion around the newsletter took place. Key points discussed and raised include:
 What is the community sense of newsletter. What is the purpose and goal of the
 Can we get more kids to participate? Possibly publish classroom articles.
 Noted that some classes do their own newsletter
 Utilize teachers blogs

Treasurer Update from Jacqui

 No official update was presented.
 Jaquie to confirm that external and internal audit is happening for CAIS
 APTA dues were not included in October’s bill. Jacqui reflected need for Sarah
and APTA president to facilitate this.
Next Step: APTA President to follow up with Sarah regarding APTA dues to be
included in the next upcoming bill.

Room Parents from Lisa Sturges

Discussion around the effectiveness of the Room Parent in the communication tree took
place. Comments and thoughts around communication from the group included:
 Possible overload of information and multiple information causes a tune out. Too
many people are sending the same thing.
 Reinstitute Blog for a single source for families to go to
 Problem with e-mail is that it has to be sent one parent at a time
 Improve distribution list. Mathew’s been working through the e-mail list for the
Walk-a-thon, getting it organized.
 Get calendar on the Blog
 Jackie wants to used Scribed for imbedded post script files

No additional committee chairs updates were presented.

Meeting was called to an end at 8:45.

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