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M8A(MarkeLlng) yr1

Strateg|c numan kesource Management and Crgan|sat|ona|

LxecuLlve Summary
Organisations depend on the eIIiciency oI the manpower so as to get `things done``. Thus, it
reIlects one oI the most important Iactor oI productions. By combining the HRM Iunction with
business strategy, SHRM reIlects a more Ilexible arrangement and utilisation oI human
resources to achieve the organisational goals, and accordingly helps organisations gain a
competitive advantage. The aim oI our presentation is to show how SHRM represents a
relatively new transIormation in the Iield oI human resource management. SHRM is concerned
with the role that human resource management systems play in Iirm perIormance, particularly
Iocusing on the alignment oI human resources as a means oI gaining competitive advantage.
Organizations are becoming aware that successIul human resource policies and practices may
increase perIormance in diIIerent areas such as productivity, quality and Iinancial perIormance.
Hence, we can observe that strategic human resource management is essential in both large and
small companies. Supporting with examples Irom local organisations, we show how in small
companies, this may be as simple as the owner or manager taking a little time every day to
observe, assist, and assess employees, and provide regular reviews. Larger companies may have
a whole department in charge oI human resources and development. By meeting the needs oI
the employees in a way that also beneIits the company, it is possible to improve the quality oI
staII members. Our team will thereIore attempt to show the ways in which this is possible
quoting examples Irom the midst oI known organisations.
Sooroyyoh Choffun
FoysoI 8oIIodin
MoIiko Tocouri
Soyod Jounbocus
DoIIy Ionhye

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