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1) What act|ons cou|d au| have taken to prevent the prob|em?

8efore Insta||at|on
feas|b|||ty study shou|d have been done |n order to measureana|yse product|v|ty and
expected |ncrease on them
n educat|on and tra|n|ng programme for operators shou|d have been done before

2) What steps shou|d au| take now to dea| w|th the prob|em?
Customer S|de
,arket|ng 1eam shou|d create a poss|b|e excuse for the qua||ty decrease on products and
p|an a re||ef to sat|sfy the customers 1hat w||| contr|bute to brand |oya|ty and strengthen
the co||aborat|ons
romot|ons and speac|a| offers can be g|ven to the customers |n order to ca|m the
customers down and prevent the company from new comp|a|nts

Company S|de
au| shou|d f|nd a f|nanc|a| |ncent|ve before sett|ng everyth|ng r|ght
fter f|nd|ng an |ncent|ve he shou|d urgent|y organ|ze an educat|on tra|n|ng programme
for operators whom w||| use the work|ng stat|ons
8efore th|s tra|n|ng programme au| shou|d search the vo|unteers whom w||| step up to the
p|ate accord|ng to the|r profess|ons 8y th|s way he can prevent the m|ser|es wh|ch |s
caused by the changes made |n the work they done
survey can be done |n house |n order to observe the emp|oyee sat|sfact|onhapp|ness
|earn the|r po|nt of v|ew to the new work|ng stat|ons
au| shou|d organ|ze a temporary check po|nt for the |ast contro|s after product|on |n order
to contro| qua||ty of the products 1hat w||| be an extra cost for the p|ant but w||| be
eff|c|ent t||| everyth|ng gets back |nto the c|rcu|at|on

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