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WhaL ls lnLerneL
W 1he lnLerneL or slmply called 1he neL" ls a global
sysLem of lnLerconnecLed compuLer neLworks
LhaL use Lhe sLandard lnLerneL roLocol(1C/l)Lo
serve bllllons of users worldwlde
W lL ls a neLwork of neLworks whlch LhaL connecLs
mllllons compuLers called hosL
W asslng of daLa ln form of packeLs each of whlch
carrles Lhe addresses of lLs sender and recelver
AppllcaLlon of lnLerneL
W World Wlde Web
W LlecLronlc Mall (LMall)
W lnLerneL 8elay ChaL (l8C)
W lnLerneL 1elephony
W llle Lransfer
AdvanLages of lnLerneL
W LMall
W 24 hours a day7 days a week
W lnformaLlon
W Cnllne chaL
W Servlces
W L commerce
W SofLware download
ulsadvanLages of lnLerneL
W 1hefL of personal lnformaLlon
W negaLlve effecLs on famlly communlcaLlon
W lnLerneL addlcLlon
W ornography
W Spammlng
W vlrus LhreaL
W And many more
WhaL ls lnLraneL
W A prlvaLe neLwork lnslde a company or
organlzaLlon LhaL uses Lhe same klnds of
sofLware LhaL you would flnd on Lhe publlc
lnLerneL buL LhaL ls only for lnLernal use
W A prlvaLe (closed) lnLerneL runnlng lnslde a
LAn (Local Area neLwork)
W ueslgned Lo be used Lo share lnLernal
lnformaLlon wlLhln Lhe same company usually
behlnd a flrewall
AppllcaLlons of lnLraneL
W CommunlcaLlon and collaboraLlon
W Web publlshlng
W 8uslness operaLlons and managemenL
W lnLraneL porLal managemenL
AdvanLages of lnLraneL
W Workforce producLlvlLy
W 1lme
W CommunlcaLlon
W lmmedlaLe updaLes
W Lnhance collaboraLlon
W CosL effecLlve
lnLraneL ln an CrganlsaLlon
ulsadvanLages of lnLraneL
W 8equlres upgrades
W Some employees may noL have Cs aL Lhelr
W SecurlLy lssue
W Lxpenslve
W ulsarrangemenL
1hank ?ou

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