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United States Patent 1 ty 4,087,306 Head et al. [5] May 2, 1978 [54] TURN-UP OR TURN-OVER BLADDER FOR 3,853,653 12/1974 Olbert et al. 156/133 TIRE BUILDING MACHINES 3306536 ‘S/isns Schn tora {75] Inventors: William J. Head, Rollingen; Erik R, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Kampings, Esclruck; John Kobjrn 346865 1966 Camda. 1ssi6 tee ee tant Examiner (73] Assignee: ‘he Gookrenr Tire & Rubber Attorney, Agent, or Firm—R. S, Washburn " (57) ABSTRACT C1] Appl. No. 719,050 An annular bladder providing both circumferential (22) Filed: Aug 30,1976 expansion and rolling movement normal ois circum : ference in response to inflation theref, sid bladder (a it a ig RBH I/D Eng a eylttae utr wall ending berwese a. » 156/401; 2/92; forward edge anda rearward edge and being turned [58] Meld of Seareh sn 196/110 R, 123,126, Taal and ally inward a he respective edges, the 156/128 R, 128, 131, 12, 133,394,400, Pla comprising a fst and a second cieumferent ‘401, 414-420; 92/92, 98 D, 103 F — 20n€ and in ‘outer wall a transition zone, said first 414-420 Zone extending ins forward direction from said trans tsa References Cited tion zone, said second zone extending in rearward 304,533 7/1962 Lowe 378,204 2/1963 Appleby 3,265,549 8/1966 | Woodhall et al. 3418,192 12/1968 Nadler . 3,525,685 8/1970 Wood et a. U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 156/401 156/132 156/132 156/401 156/123, 3,692,608 9/1972 Cantaruti 156/132 3,694,290 9/1972 Pacciarini 156/132 3,698,987 10/1972 Woodhall etal 136/132 SW yy SS direction from said transition zone, said first zone hav- ing greater resistance to circumferential elongation relative to the second zone and said second zone having lesser resistance to circumferential elongation relative to the first zone, said transition zone being located a predetermined distance forward of the rearward edge of said bladder when the same is uninflated. 38 Claims, 28 Drawing Figures U.S.Patent May 2, 1978 Sheet 1 of 7 4,087,306 U.S.Patent May 2, 1978 Sheet 2 of 7 4,087,306 104 tog 2 Pp 50 70' /72b' 26 (124 t22 131 Le FIG. 10

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