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Name: Address: Phone: OBJECTIVE

Chi Wara P. 300, Guesswhere 00256 +256793494220

Email: Languages Spoken: Sheng, Swahili, English

I want to be famous though at the moment, it's simply not working! EDUCATION 2008-2011 2006-2007 2002-2005 St Someone University BEd (English and Literature). Second Class Hons. Upper Division. (They actually cheated me It shoulda been A1) Ol' School, Ngong (KE) KCSE. Mean Grade C. Considered a fool, coz I didn't get As Back in Elementary/ I thrived on misery/ Left me alone I grew up amongst a dying breed... (2pac)

EXPERIENCE 2009&2011 2009-2011 2011SKILLS Good command of spoken and written Swahili, English I try. Clean Driving Licence after driving test never had a chance to drive again (we've no car). Adequate computer skills especially Word, Excel, Power-point, the Web. Can work comfortably with Microsoft Windows but I love Linux OS, I really do! Boring typing speed never discovered where X and Q, so I avoid them completely. Writing: I have never published a thing, though, except on Scribd [sic!]. I have also tried poetry but I hate my own poetry. I wonder if it appeals to anyone. Three years' surivival experience at Kisenyi, a ghetto in Kampala, UG. Years of hunger at the same ghetto many were the days I actually went to bed hungrier than Jesus after the fast. Five months of job seeking.

INTERESTS Blogging I blog to The Arabic Language it drives me crazy that people understand doodling! Lawn Tennis Last I actually held a racket was in elementary. Cycling I love being alone, in the wild, just me, my bike and myself.

REFEREES: If you are seriously considering hiring me, I swear I will send you the references. Holla at your boy!

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