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ln Lhls adverL you can see Lwo people aL war and one ls drlnklng Coco cola 1he one

who ls drlnklng Lhe coco cola Lrles Lo glve lL Lo Lhe one on Lhe oLher slde 1he place
Lhe adverL ls seL ouL ln a deserL klnd of area 1he meanlng LhaL Lhe adverL creaLes ls
happlness because Lhe coco cola brlngs Lhe happlness when opened 1he adverL ls ln
a mlse en scene meanlng everyLhlng puL lnLo a scene 1he cloLhes and faclal halr Lells
you LhaL Lhey are from hlsLorlcal perlod 1he swords Lhey had were used aL dlfferenL
Llmes 1he characLers weren'L speaklng buL lL was Lhe clashlng of Lhe sword and Lhe
background muslc 1he muslc changed when Lhey opened Lhe coke boLLle AL Lhe end
Lhey use LlLles (LexL over Lhe background) 1he flrsL shoL ls capLured as a LS ?ou can
see a barrler beLween Lhem buL Lhere ls a saLelllLe 1he second shoL ls capLured as a
MLS 1he Lwo men look llke Lhey are aL war ?ou can Lell Lhey have been Lhere for a
whlle because Lhey are dlrLy and Lhey are sweaLlng 1he [obs Lhey are dolng are dull
and borlng 1he Lhlrd shoL ls capLured as a MCu 1he man ls sweaLlng and ls grumpy
1he fourLh shoL ls capLured as a low angle shoL 1he camera ls angled aL Lhe plece of
paper 1he paper ls on a LaLLy dlrLy floor lL shows you how Lhe coke has been around
for a long Llme 1he wrapper flles Lo Lhe oLher slde of Lhe llne 1he llne shows you
LhaL you can'L go Lhrough 1he mans faclal expresslon changed and he sLabbed lL and
Lhrew lL back aggresslvely 1hls shows you counLrles aL war ?ou laLer hear a boLLle
belng opened 1he nexL shoL ls capLured as a close up AfLer 19 seconds you can
flnally see Lhe producL 1he oLher man ls looklng aL Lhe coke and ls [ealous 1he muslc
before had a mlllLary Lheme and becomes less Lense lL makes you feel sorry for hlm
1he man Lakes ouL anoLher boLLle and glves lL Lo Lhe oLher man Lhe shoL ls over Lhe
shoulder 1he man wlLh Lhe coke checks lf anyone's Lhere faclng each oLher face Lo
face Pe puLs Lhe coke on Lhe floor and Lhe man fllLch's WlLh Lhe sword he makes a
loop around Lhe coke Lhe man on Lhe oLher slde rubs ouL Lhe border llne 1hen he
flnally geLs Lhe coke aL Lhe end Lhey are drlnklng Lhe coke LogeLher ln my oplnlon l
Lhlnk Lhe adverL ls Lrylng Lo embrace Lhe happlness when you have coke no maLLer
where you are and who you are agalnsL
8y 8ayaan Pa[l Muhumed

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