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Mara Jos lava

Teacher: Mike Pino

English: 10mo A1


Barcelona Sporting Club was founded on May 1, 1925 by a group of young
football fans in the neighborhood call `` Del Astillero in the city of Guayaquil.
Barcelona Sporting Club, better known simply as Barcelona is the most popular
team and one of the teams with the highest importance in the country.
Barcelona have on your property the Estadio Monumental sidro Romero Carbo,
the sports scene's largest and one of the largest in America, which involves
about 60,000 spectators.
Barcelona Sporting Club is considered the most supporters club in all of
Ecuador, so the team nicknamed him "the idolo".
The ``Sur Oscura is more representative bar of the fans in Barcelona and
throughout Ecuador. ts name comes from the fact that is always positioned on
the part of the "General Sur" Estadio Monumental Banco Pichincha. t was
founded on September 13, 1995, by several followers of the team who were
part of the Yellow Union.

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