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Issue #1: The Electoral College has been used for so many years, so it
must be working. Because of this, we don’t need to change it.

Address to Issue: Though it works, that doesn’t make the college

effective and fair. For example, Hawaii, New Jersey, Illinois and
Maryland have already adopted popular vote legislation. These states
show that everyone isn’t happy with the current way the Electoral
College works, so there is a need for change in order to satisfy all
people in our country.

Issue #2: Americans aren’t informed and/or don’t care enough to

make effective decisions for the country, such as deciding the
president, so the Electoral College handles the situation for us.

Address to Issue: The Electoral College doesn’t handle the voting

process fully. Agents and advertisements can pressure the so-called
“uninformed” people into making decisions that they might not have if
they were deciding without pressure. Also, because of how the college
works, there are battleground states, which would not exist if each
electoral vote went to the candidate who earned it. With more voting
freedom and less pressure, more people would actually take the time
to get informed and vote effectively.

Issue #3: People make the wrong decisions regardless of if they are
informed or not, so the Electoral College weeds them out.

Address to Issue: The Electoral College does more than weed out
who makes “bad” decisions. It also drowns out the voices of everyone
who does make good decisions and everyone who does desires
different, potentially better futures. In addition, the College presents a
bias by giving all the college votes of a particular state to the
candidate who wins the state. With a fair, popular vote based college,
no biases would exist and America would start seeing many more
different, intellectual views from coast to coast.

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