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A distinction must be made between

GLOBAL SELF-CONFIDENCE personality trait or disposition SITUATION-SPECIFIC SELFCONFIDENCE Believing that you can succeed at a given task

Models of self-confidence

Banduras theory of self-efficacy a form of situation-specific selfconfidence.

For the beginner 4 fundamental elements are effective in developing selfconfidence

Developing self-confidence
Successful performance Vicarious experience modelling or copying Verbal persuasion encouragement Emotional arousal

Once mastered, can become an effective coping strategy to: Overcome anxiety Increase self-confidence Improve technique

SELF-TALK definition
A personal dialogue in which the athlete interprets feelings, perceptions and convictions and gives himself instructions and reinforcement.

The 4 Ws of self-talk

3 Categories of self-talk to increase confidence

Task-specific statements Encouragement and effort

Mood words

For self-talk to be effective, it needs to be:


Phonetically simple
Logically related to skill involved Well timed with task

Functions of self-talk
Building & developing self-efficacy Skill acquisition work harder to change bad habits, learn new good habits Creating & changing mood Controlling effort Focusing attention or concentration now

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