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InIinite thanks to ALLAH ALMIGHTY whose eternal merciIulness endowed upon me

the ability to complete this Project well in time. Without whose providence and grace there is no
concept oI success!

Our humble gratitude is also due to the last Prophet HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (PBUH)
through whom ALMIGHTY ALLAH communicated knowledge to mankind and who is Iever a
torch oI guidance and knowledge Ior the whole humanity. I pay my overwhelmingly humble
thanks to my kind and considerate teachers who are always ready to assist students.

I am also very thankIul to Mr. Zeeshan Ullah who gave us much knowledge about market
& business. Because oI you we are able to know that aIter completion oI this degree that what
should be ours aim in Iuture. I also extend my great appreciation to the Iollowing people Ior their
warm cooperation. Most oI Mr. Umar RauI and Miss Samina under their kind observation we
have completed our Business Plan.

All these people pulled us to explore ourselves in a meticulous Iashion and backed us up
to compile this dissertation.
Sir if is jusf becouse of you fhof if come fo hoppen.
Thank you all!!


Our Parents: Thank you Ior your unconditional support with our studies as well as all
other aspects oI our liIe. We are honored to have you as our parents.
Thank you Ior giving us a chance to prove and improve ourselves through
all us walks oI liIe. Please do not ever change. We love you!
Our Teachers: We would like to thanks our respected Teachers who give us knowledge
with so cooperation and Iriendly environment, especially dedication oI this
project to Mr. Zeeshan Ullah who gave us such a great opportunity, and
guide us like a shining star when we were in darkness and enable to reach
on this stage.
To Group # 03 This project also dedicated to our group # 03 members, because all oI us
participated with stupendous spirit with try to be Entrepreneurs.

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