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TOPIC: Impact of advertisement on customers mind While purchasing cellphone GROUP MEMBER'S NAME Nitin Raghav Ali Ahamad Rahul Kumar

PROCESS 1. Makequestioner and ask it to the customer of Knowledge Park 1,2( greater noida)

2. At least 60 customer we choose for our survey. SCHEDULE we start our project from 14th nov 2010 1. Topic date- 29 th nov 2010 2. Processfinalizedup to date 14 th nov 2010

3. On date 15th nov we make question to be asked. 4. On date 17 th nov 2010 we further proceed to coustomer for data

5. On date 20 th nov we finish our survey 6. And after 20 th nov 2010 we start making our project

7. Submission : 2, dec 2010

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