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Marlena McCall LBST 2102 Mr.

Robert Arnold 16 November 2011 Microtheme 7 The movie Hyenas is based on identity analysis. Your identity is associated with credit, which in turn is associated with your past which cycles back to your identity. The town has oil, gold, minerals, and phosphate but they need credit. Ramatou can reward their wishes, but she already owns everything. She wants revenge though and refuses to grant them anything. Dramen Drameh is the man who made her this way for he once loved her (she was 17) and they had a daughter. The townsmen or the law tell Mr. Dramen he is going to die and even give him the opportunity so that he could be remembered as a decent human being for killing himself. Mr. Dramen goes to see Ramatou before he reports to the location of his ultimate annihilation. After this visit Ramatou stops to look at view as shes walking down the stairs, I believe the moment she begin to descend again, is the moment Mr. Dramen is annihilated. Because they are linked in all of the occurrences in Hyenas, and I think they are also linked in his death. Identity is represented in his death because various occupation and kinds of people are represent in the scene, united by their attire, implying the whole community kills Mr. Dramen. For example the Professor represents academia and another man represents the church, which each control a narrative of society.

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