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according to friere,the educator's main role is to converse with the students about concrete situations and offer them

the tools in order for the students to teach themselves to read and write. it is a collaborative effort. from this understanding, a person could really learn to think critically about real-life problem and take actions to change his/her world the better. applied to health education communities should consider their health concerns in the broader context of their political and social situation in order to develop their own plan of action to deal with any problem collectively identified

Menurut Friere, fungsi utama guru adalah berbicara dengan siswa tentang situasi spesifik dan menyediakan alat-alat untuk mengajar siswa untuk membaca dan menulis. adalah upaya kolaborasi. Dari pemahaman ini, seseorang benar-benar bisa belajar untuk berpikir kritis tentang kehidupan nyata masalah dan mengambil langkah untuk mengubah dunia mereka lebih baik. kesehatan diterapkan untuk pendidikan harus mempertimbangkan masalah kesehatan mereka dalam konteks yang lebih luas dari situasi politik dan sosial dalam rangka untuk mengembangkan rencana aksi mereka sendiri untuk menangani setiap masalah yang teridentifikasi secara kolektif

Process oriented. This model is used to increase the problem-solving ability of the community and also to achieve some concrete changes in order to correct social injustice that has been identified by a disadvantaged or oppressed group. Basic changes are sought in major institutions or community practices. An attempt is made to redistribute power, resources or decisions-making in the community and/or to change basic policies of formal organizations. Application of this approach in the past has included the civil right movement, some of the early black-power groups,labor unions,womens liberation and the welfare right movement. Even thought these three models have been isolated or set apart in their descriptions,in actual practice these approaches overlap

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